windows server 2016
Add Local Storage in Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V
One of the tasks you may need to accomplish when working with a Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V host is adding local storage to the host. Often, VMs will be housed on a volume that is separate from the operating system…
Copy ISO file to Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V
For those coming from the VMware world of doing things and wanting to get their feet wet with Hyper-V, one of the nagging little things that you might run into when first trying to deploy a VM with Hyper-V is…
Windows Server 2016
Upgrade Windows Server 2012 R2 Domain Controller to Windows Server 2016
For those who may be considering upgrading Windows Server 2012 R2 Domain Controller to Windows Server 2016, there are a few things to consider first. I have never liked the idea of upgrading OS’es. It just seems like taking contaminated…
Windows Server 2016
Prepare Active Directory Windows Server 2016 DC Adprep
With the RTM release of Windows Server 2016, many will be thinking about and looking to introduce a Windows Server 2016 domain controller into their existing Active Directory environments. Let’s take a look at how to prepare Active Directory Windows…
Windows Server 2016
Add SMTP Windows Server 2016
Most may not realize that there is actually a free SMTP server builtin to Windows Server all the way back to Windows 2003 and is IIS 6 technology (I know, try to suppress your nausea). The SMTP server is a feature that…
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016 Containers Basic Setup
If you would like to lab and play around with containers, there is a really great setup script and a few easy steps you can follow to get a copy of Windows Server 2016 TP 4 setup with containers working.…