
  • Softwareclonezilla1

    How to Clonezilla to Windows NFS share

    Clonezilla is a great free utility to create and restore images for both Windows AND Linux computers and it works very well. ย So it gives you the flexibility to work with images across many platforms, making it the tool of…

  • Windowsrobofeat

    How to add a file copy progress indicator to scripts

    One of the frustrating things with scripting and copying files is knowing where in the file copy your copy actually is. ย Especially if you are copying a very large file that is several gigs, you can definitely benefit from knowing…

  • Windowsdism1

    How to Add Drivers to .Wim Images

    If you have created .wim images for deployment in your enterprise environment either by USB key, DVD, local hard drive, or WDS, you know there are times when you need to add a driver to the image to accomodate a…

  • Windows Imaging Checklist

    We all use and love (may be a bit presumptuous here) imaging workstations.ย  After all it saves us as system administrators countless hours of time, or at least we hope so.ย  However, as with any good technology, without proper planning,…