vSphere 6.5
VMware vSphere 6.5 Update 1 Released
It is definitely a big news day today – VMware vSphere 6.5 Update 1 Released! There is certainly a lot of good stuff contained in this release from vCenter Server, ESXi, vSAN, and VMware Tools as well as exciting new…
Android vSphere Mobile Watchlist No longer crashing
I can now say and put this in writing in a post, if you are looking for a mobile client to manage your vSphere environment for Android, vSphere Mobile Watchlist is probably at the top of the list in a…
Four ways to upload files to VMware vSphere datastore
Uploading files whether it be ISO’s, VMX config files, or VMDKs is a necessary task for most VMware administrators in various situations. When looking to upload files to your VMware vSphere environment, there are multiple ways to skin a cat…
VMware ESXi 6.5 Can’t Add Existing iSCSI LUN
In playing around with adding an existing iSCSI LUN to a new VMware ESXi 6.5 host in a lab environment, I ran into a peculiar issue adding the storage to the server. In thoroughly checking everything back over, I didn’t…
VMware PowerCLI Instant Clone Lab
Most of you have probably already heard quite some time ago about VMware project Fargo which has now matured into VMware Instant Fork technology that allows rapid deployment via rapid cloning of an already running virtual machine. This is especially…
vSphere 6
Lost access to volume due to connectivity issues
Recently, I ran into an issue with a host where performance would tank from the client side. VM consoles and RDP sessions would disconnect as well as the host would become unresponsive to any types of commands within the vCenter…
ESXi 6 Configure Management Network Greyed out
The other day when playing around “rather hard” with distributed switches and NSX, I broke my distributed switch implementation on one of my lab ESXi 6 hosts. I couldn’t ping the host, and also even worse, couldn’t get to the…
vSphere 6
New HTML5 vSphere Web Client
With the new host UI that is present with vSphere ESXi 6 update 2, it gives us a taste of what the HTML5 web client might look like. But alas, we don’t have to wait! With the new fling available…
vSphere 6
How to tweak performance ESXi 6.0
We might not think about tweaking of the ESXi hosts themselves for performance. While there are other major areas of performance consideration in a vSphere cluster such as your storage IOPs, memory, and CPU resources, there are a few little…
Updating vCenter VCSA and update manager to 6.0 U1b
Recently VMware released the U1b release of vSphere products. I wanted to post some quick notes and steps used to update a vCenter 6.0 U1a release to U1b revision level. What is contained in this release? A few of the…