vsphere client
The Stretched Cluster Feature is Not Supported On This Cluster
In the last post covering how to Migrate 2-Node VMware vSAN to 3-node Configuration, I touched on an issue I ran into where I was not able to disable the stretched cluster configuration of a two-node cluster using the vSphere…
vSphere 6.5
Managing Datastore Files in VMware vSphere 6.5
One of the basic, daily administration tasks for any VMware administrator is managing files in the vSphere environment. With the move to vSphere 6.5, how are file management tasks affected versus previous versions of vSphere? What about during the cohabitation…
vSphere 6.5
Upgrading VMware vSphere VCSA Appliance to 6.5 Update 1
With the recent exciting news of the release of VMware vSphere 6.5 Update 1, there are many great reasons now to upgrade from vSphere 6.0. The first step that you will want to take after validating your hardware compatibility and…
vSphere 6
Connecting to Virtual Center server is not supported by this client
Lately, I have been trying to get my Windows 10 VM up and running with a lot of the management tools that I use on a daily basis. ย After loaded the vSphere client from one of my ESXi hosts, I…
Installing ESXi 6.0 in VMware workstation 11
So with eager excitement all VMware admins out there have been looking to get their hands on ESXi 6.0. ย I am no exception to that rule. ย VMware is a product that continually gets better and better with every release. ย I…