
  • vSANMessage-that-patch-is-available-for-critical-vSAN-issue-for-all-flash-environments

    Update VMware vSAN Witness Appliance

    I noted a warning on my home lab VMware vSAN environment noting a missing critical patch with vSAN and deduplication environments. The patch was referencing the VMware KB article for all-flash clusters with deduplication enabled. This fit my environment in…

  • VMwareRoll-Back-VMware-Meltdown-and-Spectre-Microcode-Patch

    Roll Back VMware Meltdown and Spectre Microcode Patch

    Update 1.24.2018 with William Lam PowerCLI code link The last several days have certainly been a rollercoaster ride for VMware administrators and others who have been keeping a close eye on the latest news related to Meltdown and Spectre. There…

  • VMwareListing-VMware-distributed-virtual-switches-from-command-line

    Delete VMware Distributed Virtual Switch The Resource Is In Use

    Recently, in working with the home lab environment, moving hosts around, playing around with various networking, etc, I ran into an issue with a distributed virtual switch (DVS) I had configured. The problem started with a host that was forcibly…

  • VMwareComparison-between-CPU-performance-after-both-Microsoft-and-VMware-patches-applied

    VMware Performance Impact of Meltdown and Spectre Patches

    Update 3.20.2018 – VMware has released vSphere 6.5 U1G which has a newly released microcode update Update 1.17.2018 – Firmware Updates and Initial Performance Data for Data Center Systems Update 1.13.2018 – Due to recent Intel sighting VMware now recommending…

  • Backup SoftwareAdd-Existing-Hard-Drives-to-New-VM-with-lower-Hardware-Compatibility-Level

    Veeam Restore VM hardware version is not supported by destination host

    After shipping a Veeam backup to another site location and attempting to restore, I ran into an issue the other day with a Veeam restore due to different vSphere versions between sites.ย  In Site A we had updated to vSphere…

  • VMwareChanging-the-location-for-each-file-with-Storage-vMotion

    What is VMware Storage vMotion and How It Works

    One of many hypnotic appeals to leveraging virtual infrastructure is the ability to move workloads around without any downtime. This is certainly true with the VMware vMotion operation that hooked most of us on virtualization the first time we were…

  • VMwareOpvizor-VM-KPI-Highlights-VMware-Performance-Monitoring

    Opvizor Performance Analyzer VMware Performance Monitoring

    Monitoring your vSphere environment at the cluster, host, or virtual machine level is key in understanding where performance bottlenecks may exist and why production workloads may not be performing adequately. In addition, monitoring certain vSphere metrics can also help to…

  • vSphere 6.5Hytrust-KeyControl-appliance-boots

    Hytrust VMware Virtual Machine Encryption

    As we have covered in previous posts, VMware virtual machine encryption requires an external key manager.ย  There has been work done to allow testing this feature out by way of a cool docker container key manager.ย  However for those really…

  • vSphere 6.5After-powering-off-VM-encryption-successfully-encrypts-the-VM

    VMware Virtual Machine Encryption Key Management

    One of the exciting new features included with VMware vSphere 6.5 is the ability to encrypt VMware virtual machines by using a native encryption process that is managed at the hypervisor level.ย ย Since the encryption is done at the hypervisor level,…

  • VMwareChoosing-the-VMware-Tools-Upgrade-option

    Upgrade VMware Tools to Latest Version

    Installing VMware Tools on running virtual machines in a VMware vSphere environment is best practice and a great way to make sure the running virtual machines perform at their best. Having VMware Tools running as well is a necessary requirement…