Nutanix Hypervisor Networking for VMware vSphere Admins
Many organizations are looking at their options right now for running their virtualization workloads. VMware by Broadcom has been a sour spot for many over the past several months. Many have seen 10-15x price increases. With this being the case,…
home lab
Home Lab Nested Virtualization E-book Download
Nested virtualization is one of the most underutilized tools in home labs in my honest opinion. It is a tool and technology that allows you to have what you need to “rinse and repeat” steps in a home lab. Or,…
Three Simple Things to Make VMware ESXi More Secure
If you are like me in production and home lab environments, I am always looking for low-hanging fruit to make things better, faster, more efficient, and more secure. There are three things that you can do in VMware ESXi to…
Nutanix vs VMware in 2024
With the major shakeup happening in the virtualization industry in 2024, most organizations are looking at their options and what platform they want to move forward with. The buyout of VMware by Broadcom, price hikes, and elimination of free ESXi…
home lab
Automate Home Lab Server Updates with GitLab CI CD
I recently wrote a blog post about replacing traditional Windows scheduled tasks with a CI/CD pipeline and the automation it provides. There are so many advantages to running something like Gitlab in your home lab to centralize your automation and…
VMware by Broadcom Lesson: Don’t base your career on a product
I have been involved or at least associated with VMware solutions and infrastructure since circa 2004, which is quite a long time. Like most I was blown away by the technology when I first saw what it could do and…
Migrate from VMware to XCP-ng: A vSphere Admin’s perspective
With all the uncertainty across the industry with the tectonic shakeup with VMware by Broadcom, many organizations may be looking at alternative solutions. Vates XCP-ng (free and open source Xenserver for virtualization) is certainly on the list of solutions that…
New VMware vSphere Foundation: Death of Perpetual Licenses
If you have been following the developments with the finalizing of the Broadcom buyout of VMware, you have seen there has been a drastic shift in how the new VMware by Broadcom is offering its products and solutions. Gone are…
Vagrant Boxes Create Virtual Machines in Seconds on VirtualBox, Hyper-V, and VMware
Virtualization technologies are front and center in software development, testing, and deployment. One of the best tools for spinning up quick and easy development environments is a tool from Hashicorp, called Vagrant. Let’s look at how, using Vagrant boxes, we…
Broadcom VMware Buyout: 5 Things to do Now
I know many are thinking these days, what is the future for VMware? It is a great company, and I know a lot of great people that work there. The community is fantastic. Even with the uncertainty of the VMware…