
  • Raspberry PiHigh level overview of homelab DNS architecture

    Pihole Local DNS Records synchronized from Active Directory

    If you use Pi-hole in your home network, and you should, the local DNS provided by Pi-hole is a great way to house DNS services for your home network. However, do you have a home lab environment running Microsoft Windows…

  • AzureSync-On-Premises-AD-with-Azure-AD-using-Azure-AD-Connect

    Sync On-Premises AD with Azure AD using Azure AD Connect

    Microsoft has had an evolution of tools over the past few years that allows syncing on-premises Active Directory users with their Azure AD cloud directory service. This has include the legacy Forefront Identity Management product, DirSync, and others. Now, the…

  • Networkingtime

    Cisco SG300 time configuration

    Recently, afterย working with some logging on my Cisco SG300-20 switch, I wanted to write up a quick post on Cisco SG300 time configuration and how to go about setting this up. Cisco SG300 time configuration For the purposes of the…

  • Exchangepcns_feat

    Syncing passwords to Live@EDU

    One of the pieces to setting up the infrastructure to send password changes to a synchronization server like Forefront Identity Manager 2010 is installing the Password Change Notification Service on your domain controller(s). ย This service “listens” for password changes and…