
  • home labAdvanced-VLAN-configuration-Netgear-XS708-T

    10 Gig Switch for Home Lab

    For quite a while now, I have been wanting to get the lab up to 10 gig connectivity especially for purposes of vMotion, vSAN, etc. Unfortunately, 10 gig ports are still relatively expensive although they have come down in recent…

  • Networkingswitchfirm05

    How to Upgrade Dell Nseries Firmware

    A quick post on how to upgrade Dell Nseries Firmware and the process involved. ย What you will need is a TFTP utility of your choice running on the network as well as the latest firmware file for your Nseries switch,…

  • Networkingstackfeat

    Configure Dell Nseries switch stack

    A quick little how to post on creating a stack between Dell Nseries switches. ย For the purposes of this post, the stack was created using (2) Dell Nseries 4032F 10G switches. There is just a small amount of configuration that…

  • Networkingtime

    Cisco SG300 time configuration

    Recently, afterย working with some logging on my Cisco SG300-20 switch, I wanted to write up a quick post on Cisco SG300 time configuration and how to go about setting this up. Cisco SG300 time configuration For the purposes of the…

  • Networkingxos_image1

    Extreme Summit XOS Basic Initial Switch Configuration

    Those who are familiar with Enterasys switches know that the Extreme XOS CLI is vastly different from the Enterasys line of products however the XOS CLI is the way forward for the future of Extreme, so we might as well…

  • Networkingmirror01

    How to Setup Port Mirroring on Dell Nseries switch

    The ability to mirror a port is a very crucial part of troubleshooting especially when you need to see traffic that is ingressing and egressing from a specific port that a host is connected to. ย The best way to see…

  • Networkingnseries01

    Dell NSeries Switch Basic configuration cheat sheet

    In working recently with a few Dell NSeries switches on the bench and in production, I have created a simple cheat sheet for myself with configuration commands I find myself needing most in tweaking and configuring the Dell switches. ย I…

  • Networkingciscovlan_07

    Setting up VLANs Cisco SG300-20 Switch

    The Cisco SG300-20 Switch is a great home lab switch that features most of the capabilities that ones see and use in the enterprise environment and for a cheap price. ย I wanted to write up a quick blog post on…

  • Networkingcisco300-20_01

    Good VMware Home Lab Switch

    Recently, I was looking to snag a really good VMware home labย switch for a couple of hosts and shared storage to replace an aging run of the mill HP switch I had been using for years. ย I wanted something that…

  • Networkingcisco1

    Can’t pull an ip address when connected to Cisco switch

    Recently in working with a client who had provisioned a new edge switch in an office setting which happened to be a Cisco 3550 XL switch (old switch by today’s standards), I wanted to post a short note about setting…