• Software Defined StorageStarWind-VSAN-Update-for-Hyper-V-New-Features

    StarWind VSAN Update for Hyper-V New Features

    Software-defined resources are literally changing the way businesses think about hardware replacements, especially in the area of storage.ย  StarWind Virtual SAN helps ย Enterprise ROBO, SMB & Edge environments eliminate the need for costly shared storage.ย  Uniquely, there is no HCL…

  • Software Defined StorageStarWind-HCA-appliance-built-on-Tier-1-hardware

    2 Node Hyper Converged Cluster with StarWind All-Flash HCA

    Nowadays, organizations want to focus mainly on their applications and data, and not the underlying infrastructure.ย  More businesses are looking at turnkey solutions that provide the features, scalability, and performance needed for their business-critical applications.ย  This also helps to eliminate…

  • StorageStarWind-VSAN-for-vSphere-Virtual-Appliances

    StarWind VSAN for vSphere Virtual Appliances

    You may have been considering VMware vSAN for your ROBO or Edge environment, however, your budget constraints simply do not allow purchasing a supported configuration for use with a VMware vSAN solution.ย  The reality is that if you donโ€™t have…

  • Software Defined Storagescaleio_ova03

    Install ScaleIO 2.0 in VMware vSphere 6

    In talking about software defined storage, most are familiar with VMware vSAN. ย However, there is another extremely powerful SDS solution available for free from EMC called StorageIO. ย StorageIO is free in the context of a lab or development environment. ย Otherwise…