Opvizor Performance Analyzer VMware Performance Monitoring
Monitoring your vSphere environment at the cluster, host, or virtual machine level is key in understanding where performance bottlenecks may exist and why production workloads may not be performing adequately. In addition, monitoring certain vSphere metrics can also help to…
Tools to Improve Virtual Machine Performance
One of the key areas that a VMware virtualization administrator must key in on with his or her vSphere environment is performance. After all if the production workloads running in the virtualized environment are not running with adequate performance, problems…
vSphere 6.5
Monitor and Troubleshoot VMware vCenter Server VCSA Performance
At times we run into performance or other issues with VMware vCenter Server or we want to monitor system resources on the vCenter appliance itself. There are nice new tools built into the new VMware vCenter 6.5 Server VAMI interface…
Backup Software
How Excluding Page File Affects VM backup
When thinking about making backups as efficient and timely as possible to decrease backup time windows, our backup solution needs to be as efficient as possible. This would include excluding any files that may be unnecessary to include in backups…
home lab
VMware LSI SAS vs PVSCSI vs NVMe Controller Performance
With all of the different variations of virtual controllers now available in VMware, I wanted to perform a simple test of disk performance benchmarks when using all three controllers on the same virtual machine to see if the controllers performed…
vSphere 6.5
Change Paravirtual to NVMe virtual storage controller in vSphere 6.5
With each new release of vSphere we have had storage performance improvements. The virtual storage controllers that are presented to a virtual machine can impact the performance of those VMs greatly. New to vSphere 6.5, we have the availability of…
Windows 10
Windows 10 VM 99 percent disk utilization performance issue
In troubleshooting a recent performance issue in my home lab environment on a couple of Windows 10 VMs that I had running, I had a peculiar issue that arose. In looking at task manager when troubleshooting severe slowdowns in the…
VMware PowerCLI
VMware PowerCLI Add Harddisk and Attach to Paravirtual Controller
There are certainly performance benefits to using the VMware ParaVirtual controller, especially in extreme load conditions. According to VMware’s own documentation, the PVSCSI controller provides 8% better throughput at 10% lower CPU cost. There are also performance benefits to use…
vSphere 6.5
VMware vSphere 6.5 Change vmkernel MTU size
When dealing with VMkernel ports in vSphere 6.5 for most use cases for performance, we want to enable jumbo frames on the vmkernel ports to allow for less fragmentation of the packets for iSCSI, vMotion, and so forth. Let’s take…
Great Free Linux Load Balancer
If you are looking to play around with load balancing for free, then check out the Kemp LoadMaster virtual Appliance. The Kemp virtual appliance is a great free Linux Load Balancer that is extremely easy to setup, versatile, and offers…