
  • ProxmoxProxmox p cores and e cores microcode patch

    Proxmox P and E Cores Microcode Patch Update

    In running home lab environments, many are looking at mini PCs that are available to stand up and use as a home server or home lab environment. Intel-equipped variants generally have the new “hybrid” architecture that includes the configuration of…

  • ProcessorsIntel-Xeon-D-2100-Processor

    Is Meltdown fixed in Intel Xeon D-2100 Processor?

    The Intel Meltdown vulnerability and then the more general and broad vulnerability in Spectre have certainly been one of the most talked about hardware security vulnerabilities in modern history.ย  The past several weeks since the vulnerability was disclosed have been…

  • SecurityUS-CERTs-Intel-Firmware-Vulnerability-Alert

    Critical bugs of Intel Processors revealed. AMD and ARM chips are also affected.

    What’s All the Fuss About the Intel Bugs? At the beginning of this year, Googleโ€™s Project Zero made a bombshell of an announcement: they had discovered critical security flaws affecting Intel central processing units (CPUs) produced since 1995. Due to…

  • VMwareRoll-Back-VMware-Meltdown-and-Spectre-Microcode-Patch

    Roll Back VMware Meltdown and Spectre Microcode Patch

    Update 1.24.2018 with William Lam PowerCLI code link The last several days have certainly been a rollercoaster ride for VMware administrators and others who have been keeping a close eye on the latest news related to Meltdown and Spectre. There…

  • SecurityIntel-Gold-Processor-most-likely-among-processors-affected-by-design-flaw

    New Intel Design Flaw is VMware Affected?

    Update 1.11.2018 – Script from William Lam to check VMs and Hosts/Clusters ***Update 1.9.2018 – VMware releases CPU microcode update as part of hypervisor-assisted guest remediation withย VMware Security Advisoryย VMSA-2018-0004, newย Hypervisor-Assisted Guest Mitigation for branch target injection (52085) ***Update 1.6.2018 with…