home lab

  • home labFirewalla gold se thumb3

    Firewalla Gold SE Review for Home Lab

    I was recently sent one of the new Firewalla Gold SE devices to test out in the home lab. However, other than the unit being sent to me for my thoughts, this is not a paid review, and I only…

  • ContainersLxc vs docker

    LXC vs Docker: Pros and Cons Explained

    When we start talking about running containers in the home lab or production, two types of containers usually come up in conversation for running services: LXC containers and Docker containers. This article will examine a comparison between LXC and Docker,…

  • ProxmoxVmware esxi on proxmox

    Nested ESXi install in Proxmox: Step-by-Step

    If you have a Proxmox VE server in your home lab or production environment and want to play around with VMware ESXi, you can easily do that with Proxmox nested virtualization. Let’s look at the steps required for a nested…

  • home labHome lab mistakes

    Top Home Lab Mistakes to Avoid

    Mistakes when it comes to home labs are inevitable. In fact, I have learned over the years they are simply part of the learning experience. Testing things out or trying things that break can lead to some important discoveries in…

  • KubernetesInstall kubernetes

    How to Install Kubernetes in Ubuntu 22.04 with Kubeadm

    In this guide, we will install Kubernetes in Ubuntu 22.04 from scratch using the kubeadm command.  Table of contents1. Update your Ubuntu 22.04 hosts2. Setup your hostnames and resolution3. System Settings for KubernetesDisable swap fileKernel parameters4. Installing Containerd container runtime5.…

  • home labTop home lab upgrades this black friday

    Top Home Lab Upgrades this Black Friday 2023

    If you are like me, you start thinking about home lab upgrades as we get closer to the black Friday deals. Generally speaking, you can get some great deals for home lab upgrades around Black Friday sales. I want to…

  • home labTop home server ideas

    Top Home Server Ideas for 2024: Projects to Start

    You can simply use your home lab to run a media server, file server, or other home-oriented services. However, you can also use it as a great learning tool. In this post, we will look at some top home server…

  • home labHome server rack lighting

    Home Server Rack Lighting: Add RGB Bling!

    One of the fun and cool things you can do with a home server rack is add lighting. Home server rack lighting can serve two purposes. They can be functional so you can actually see inside your server rack, especially…

  • home labSnippet box Home Lab Dashboard for Code

    Snippet-box: Home Lab Dashboard for Code!

    I love little self-hosted utilities that are great in what they do and can provide tremendous benefits running them in the home lab. I recently discovered one of those cool little self-hosted container images called Snippet-box. Let’s look at Snippet-box…

  • Self hostedthumbxcpvsproxmox

    XCP-NG vs Proxmox – Home Lab Comparison

    This post will compare XCP-NG vs. Proxmox and the features and capabilities each offers. Both of these are in focus, especially with ones looking for alternatives to VMware vSphere since the Broadcom acquisition. XCP-NG vs Proxmox Table of contentsInstalling XCP-NGWhat…