home lab

  • Proxmox firewall rules configuration

    In working with Proxmox, one of the cool features as part of the solution is the Promox firewall and firewall rules. Proxmox VE firewall is a firewall service that allows configuring firewall rules for filtering traffic to the Promox server,…

  • home labDashy home lab dashboard example

    Home lab dashboard with Dashy

    Running a homelab provides an excellent opportunity to learn new technologies, applications, services, troubleshooting skills, and the list goes on and on. When you start spinning up dozens or more applications, it can become difficult to have all of your…

  • home labThe virtualizationhowto home lab environment

    Home Lab virtualization software I use

    Those who have followed my site and Youtube channel know that I am passionate about home lab environments. It has gone a long way toward helping me to sharpen my skills with various platforms, solutions, proof-of-concept environments, and other purposes.…

  • VirtualizationXCP NG in VMware nested virtualization

    XCP-NG in VMware nested virtualization

    As many of you may already know from reading my previous blog posts, I really like playing around with hypervisors and different technologies. The nested virtualization capabilities in VMware vSphere provide a great way to do this without the need…

  • home labMini split unit for home lab environment

    Cooling for Home Labs and tricks to reduce your heat

    Especially since we are in the middle of the summer here in the U.S., running your home lab now with a few servers, network gear, storage, and other devices may be cranking up the heat in your home lab data…

  • NetworkingStep 3 involves naming your network with Twingate

    Twingate Download and configuration – Review of Zero trust VPN

    I am constantly looking at connectivity to the home network, specifically for my home lab network as I do so much work, testing, PoCs, etc., there. With the time constraints I have, the easier a solution is to implement, manage,…

  • ContainersDocker architecture and components

    Best Docker Containers for Home Server

    Many are delving into learning containers and Kubernetes. With this, having your own home lab environment is especially valuable in tinkering and setting up an environment for learning. This post will focus on the best Docker containers for home server…

  • home labIntegration of virtual firewalls such as Palo Alto VM series with VMware NSX T

    Virtual firewall vs Physical firewall in the home lab

    So, in thinking about the direction of where my home lab is headed, I find myself using less and less discrete physical devices as opposed to running things as virtual machines. As a topic of interest for my home lab…

  • SecurityNo IP mobile app download workaround

    No-IP mobile app download workaround

    If you are a No-IP user, like me, you may be frustrated when you take a look for a mobile app that provides the functionality you need as a dynamic update client or manage your No-IP account. I am not…

  • TanzuBegin creating a Kubernetes namespace

    VMware vSphere with Tanzu Kubernetes Home Lab

    I have written a few posts covering Kubernetes as of late and one of those was building out a Kubernetes home lab. In my opinion, there is no better way to learn any technology than getting your “hands dirty” and…