
  • Linuxcairo2

    How to transition from using Windows to Ubuntu 13.04

    I think it is safe to say that many of us have been disappointed with what we have seen and are seeing from Windows 8.ย  It has left many questioning their loyalty to Microsoft and has many thinking about alternatives…

  • Softwareclearly3

    How to add highlighting in Evernote

    Evernote is just an all around great utility for anyone wanting to keep track of thoughts, notes, pictures, or other tidbits that they simply don’t want to forget or lose track of. ย The interface is very clean and the apps…

  • Evernote – Great tool for IT Documentation

    Have you ever been looking for documentation that you just know you wrote down, a license key or important URL that you saved into a notepad document somewhere, or a phone number you scribbled onto a sheet of paper and…