
  • Backup Softwarenakqnap01

    Nakivo announces QNAP NAS based VM Backup appliances

    Nakivo continues to innovate with its products and offerings to extend backup solutions to a wide range of environments and hardware. ย I personally have had the opportunity to work with Nakivo in a wide range of settings and they are…

  • Webvault02

    Connect Vaultpress AWS EC2 instance

    For those that blog with WordPress and want to consider a good backup solution for their blog, there are a few options out there. ย However, one that is pretty straightforward and seamless is Vaultpress. ย It takes the heavy lifting out…

  • MySQLmysqlconnect1

    How to troubleshoot MySQL connectivity issues

    So you have setup a wordpress or drupal site and you need to access MySQL to be able to work on your database. ย However, you can’t seem to connect to MySQL as you expect. ย Each time you try to connect…