
  • ProxmoxProxmox packer template for ubuntu 24.04

    Proxmox Packer Template for Ubuntu 24.04

    I have been playing around with Packer and getting templates updated in the home lab. In moving more into Proxmox in the lab environment, I wanted to get similar templates in place as I have with VMware vSphere. Let’s look…

  • DevOpsUbuntu 24.04 server packer template

    Ubuntu 24.04 Packer Template for VMware

    Now that the release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is official with Ubuntu dropping news of the release today of both the new Desktop and Server, it’s time to start updating some automation in the home lab. I wanted to test…

  • PowershellGet ciminstance powershell

    Get-CimInstance: Get WMI Objects with PowerShell

    In case you haven’t heard, starting on January 29, 2024, Microsoft has deprecated the Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC), disabled by default on Windows 11 insider builds. If your application depends on WMIC, Microsoft, in their documentation, recommends that you…

  • DevOpsJenkins docker compose install and config

    Jenkins Docker Compose Install and Configuration

    I have been experimenting with many different continuous integration and continuous deployment tools in the home lab. Recently, I have been using GitLab for most of my workflows. However, I have played around with Jenkins in the past and want…

  • DevOpsInstall gitlab runner and registry

    Installing GitLab, Runner, and Container Registry on Your Home Server

    So, I wanted to create a concise guide to help you guys get up and running with GitLab, the GitLab Runner, and GitLab Registry. I spent quite a bit of time working on this in my home lab and hammering…

  • home labLinux updates with gitlab

    Automate Home Lab Server Updates with GitLab CI CD

    I recently wrote a blog post about replacing traditional Windows scheduled tasks with a CI/CD pipeline and the automation it provides. There are so many advantages to running something like Gitlab in your home lab to centralize your automation and…

  • DevOpsForget scheduled tasks

    Forget Task Scheduler PowerShell Scripts Use CI/CD Instead

    If you are a Windows admin, VI Admin, or you use Windows task scheduler to run powershell scripts in your environment, you have probably noticed a few headaches with this process. Yes, it is easy enough and it is a…

  • DevOpsDevops best practices in 2024

    DevOps Best Practices in 2024

    Devops is a hug part of modern development processes in production environments. DevOps operations teams are part of the broader interaction between development and operations teams to create modern software apps that follow modern workflows. Let’s take a look at…

  • home labTrends

    Top Home Lab Trends in 2024

    Wow, things have really changed in the past year from what we knew and were used to, compared to where things are now in early 2024. In this digital age, there are so many options for enterprise organizations, which trickles…

  • DevOpsBest open source devops monitoring tools in 2024

    Best Open-Source DevOps Monitoring Tools in 2024

    This blog post looks at the best open-source monitoring tools in DevOps in 2024 for continuous monitoring tools, many of which you can run in Docker on-premises in prod or your home lab. Table of contentsPrometheusGrafanaNagios CoreInfluxDBTelegrafGraylogIcingaCollectdSensuNetdataLibreNMSOpenNMSUptime KumaVictoriaMetricsThanosLokiJaegerCadvisorZipkinOpenTelemetryZabbixNew RelicELK StackWrapping…

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