
  • Networkingnxosgns3_01

    How to add Cisco NX-OSv in GNS3

    In provisioning a quick lab scenario inside of GNS3, I wanted to use the NX-OSv image to simulate some real hardware. ย For those that may not know, as I wrote about, you can take images downloaded via the Cisco VIRL…

  • Securitymeraki05-1

    Cisco Meraki Security Appliance Review

    Recently, I have been looking to revamp my home lab network with something a little more power and newer technology. I have been running the Sophos UTM x86 product for this purpose for a couple of years now and it…

  • Networkingmr18_feat

    Cisco Meraki MR18 install review

    I was excited recently to get my hands on a Cisco Meraki MR18 and wanted to share with you all some thoughts and opinions of the product after having installed, configured, and worked with it for a few days. ย The…

  • Networkingotv01

    Stretch layer 2 with OTV

    Lately, in looking at different ways to stretch layer 2 with various technologies, I have been proof of concepting various ways to do this in router labs. ย In aย recent post Stretch VLANs across routers L2TPv3, weย see how to utilize L2TPv3…

  • Networkingvirlupdate01

    Cisco VIRL 1.1.1 Upgrade

    Well after running Cisco VIRL for a while it has definitely grown on me and with each release it gets better. ย I have been meaning to upgrade to the latest version that was announced/released just a few days ago –…

  • Networkingvirl_review01

    Cisco VIRL Review

    After using Cisco VIRL for a few days now, I wanted to write up a post on my thoughts and maybe even calling it a pseudo Cisco VIRL review of sorts. ย However, I will keep this post updated as to…

  • Networkingvirl02

    Autonetkit not working VIRL

    Recently, I decided to get my hands on VIRL which is the Virtual Internet Routing Lab software from Cisco. ย Being a long time GNS3 user, I wanted to see how comparable or superior VIRL is to GNS3. ย So far I…

  • Networkingtime

    Cisco SG300 time configuration

    Recently, afterย working with some logging on my Cisco SG300-20 switch, I wanted to write up a quick post on Cisco SG300 time configuration and how to go about setting this up. Cisco SG300 time configuration For the purposes of the…

  • Networkingpuzzle-1152800_640

    Cisco Native VLAN mismatch

    After installing a test Meraki MS220-8 switch in my lab environment at home, I noticed when I remoted into my core switch for my lab, a Cisco SG300-20, it was displaying messages about a Native VLAN mismatch. I wanted to…

  • Networkingmerakidb01

    Meraki MS220-8P unboxing and initial setup

    Recently, I was excited to get my hands on a new Meraki MS220-8P cloud switch. ย So I wanted to go through some of the unboxing highlights as well as some of the initial setup and configuration steps to get the…