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How to add Broadcom download token for new VMware update URL depot change

Brandon Lee
Posts: 535
Topic starter
Joined: 15 years ago

In case you are not aware, VMware by Broadcom has moved to a SiteID validation token now to allow you to download updates for VMware products and solutions. You will need to change over to using the new SiteID as part of your download depot configuration before you will be able to download updates after April 23, 2025.

message in the broadcom portal

Generate the download token

First, we need to generate the download token on the Broadcom support site. To do that, follow the steps below. To do that, after you login, navigate to the quick links section in your Dashboard and click the Generate Download Token button.

quick links to generate a download token

Next, pick your SiteID from the dropdown, and click the button Generate Token.

generating a token for downloads

You will be asked Are you sure you want to Generate Token?

submitting to generate a new download token

Once you confirm, you will see your download token generated.

token generated and ready to be used

Download the Depot Changer Script

Now, we need to download the Depot changer script that is provided by VMware. You can find that at this KB:

Authenticated Download Configuration Update Script

download the automated script

Running the script

Now that we have the token and the script, just extract the .zip file and you will have the folder containing the script and relevant sample JSON files that we will need to modify.

First, set your PowerCLI configuration to ignore certificate validation:

setting the invalidcertificateaction

In the folder you downloaded, you will see several "sample" JSON files.

script and sample files

I am using a vcenter configuration and not VCF, so if you open the "sample-vcenters.json" file, you will see the example of what you need to configure/modify with your own vCenter Server name, username and password:

    "VcenterFqdn" : "",
    "VcenterUsername" : "administrator@vsphere.local",
    "VcenterPassword" : "Password1!"
    "VcenterFqdn" : "",
    "VcenterUsername" : "administrator@vsphere.local",
    "VcenterPassword" : "Password1!"

I modified the file name to just "vcenter.json" and only a single vCenter connection. You will use the command to feed in your JSON file:

VCF: ./VMwareDepotChange.ps1 -Connect -Endpoint Vcf -JsonInput <path to JSON file>

vCenter: ./VMwareDepotChange.ps1 -Connect -Endpoint vCenter -JsonInput <path to JSON file>
running the script to set the vcenter server connection

Now that we have connectivity established using the JSON file, we can start running commands like checking where our repository is pointed currently:

Check Depot
./VMwareDepotChange.ps1 -Check
checking the current configuration

Adding the Download Token

Now that we have a feel for the script, we can add the download token and have it reconfigure the URLs along with the token:

Update Depot
./VMwareDepotChange.ps1 -Update -DownloadToken <32 character token>
adding the custom download URL using the download token

After running the update parameter, we can run the check parameter again to check and make sure it is now pointed to the link:

running the check on the download depot after adding the vmware download token

Hopefully, this forum post helps any who are struggling with introducing the new method of authenticating the downloads for the new Broadcom download URL. You can read the official KB from Broadcom here:

VCF Authenticated downloads Configuration Update Instructions


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