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Synology NAS multipathing iSCSI connections to Proxmox

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Just diving into Proxmox from VMWare.ย  I have create two iSCSI connectors to my Synology UC3200. Not sure how to use them as "redundant" connections so I created a Cluster using those links. I think this is wrong and now I don't know how to remove that cluster.ย  Anyhow I tried creating a LVM but get an error.ย  I can preface this with I didn't set the size of my Synology LUN and it was 1G. I fixed this then issued "iscsiadm --mode session --rescan" to fix the reported LUN size.


create storage failed: command '/sbin/pvs --separator : --noheadings --units k --unbuffered --nosuffix --options pv_name,pv_size,vg_name,pv_uuid /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-3600140533763436dbfedd4c20d9b20d6' failed: exit code 5 (500)

How do I make use of my two iSCSI connectors to my Synology LUN properly?

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Brandon Lee
Posts: 528
Joined: 15 years ago

@clnx welcome to the forums! Great questions on Proxmox and iSCSI connections. First, take a look at my blog post on creating Proxmox iSCSI connections as I used a Synology NAS for this process as well: Proxmox iSCSI target to Synology NAS.

For multipathing, you will want to check out installing the package multipath-tools:

apt update
apt install multipath-tools


Once you have the package installed, you will want to edit the configuration file located here:

nano /etc/multipath.conf

You can create a general configuration using something like the following example:

defaults {
    user_friendly_names yes
    find_multipaths yes

blacklist {
    devnode "^sda"

devices {
    device {
        vendor "Synology"
        product ".*"
        path_grouping_policy group_by_prio
        path_checker tur
        rr_weight uniform
        no_path_retry queue
        failback immediate

After you create the configuration file, you will need to restart the multipathing configuration:

systemctl restart multipathd

Discover your iSCSI target by IP addresses:

iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p <target_IP>

Log into each target session:

iscsiadm -m node --login

After logging into the IP addresses with the above command, make sure multipath devices are created using the command:

multipath -ll

You should see a multipath device (will see something like "mpatha", etc) that combines both iSCSI paths.

Take a look at this official documentation here as well from Proxmox: Multipath - Proxmox VE.


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Joined: 3 months ago

Thank you for putting the time into this. I actually found and followed that document before seeing your post.ย  I had to resize my LVM as I had my Synology LUN set to 1G when it should have been 7T.ย  So, I have a multi-path iSCSI to Synology with MTU 9216.ย  Now I will try and create a new VM then try and import a VMWare VM.ย  Creating the LVM was a bit confusing with the multi-path until realized I was still choosing a Base Storage when it should be skipped and simply choose the new Volume group.

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Brandon Lee
Joined: 15 years ago

Posts: 528

@clnx that is awesome! Glad you are making great progress here. I am hoping in future UI we get some better tools to do the day-to-day storage maintenance and provisioning in addition to configurations. Again welcome to the forums and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

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Joined: 3 months ago

I am sure I will miss some VMWare/Vcenter stuff but excited to get this working.ย  Snapshots are probably going to be the most missed feature.
