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Which one is the best

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Can anyone spot any drawbacks for this MINI PC? ย They sould work with proxmox,esxi ect?

EliteMini UM780 XTX
Venus Serie UM790 Pro

AOOSTAR GEM10 - almoust perfect but RAM is build in. So no expansion to 64GB for now.

NucBox K8
NucBox K4

All of above are using Ryzen 7000 so what i saw there is an option to pass through hdmi

Comparing them to:
Minisforum MS-01
GMKtec M5 V2(upgraded) - not working with linux....

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Brandon Lee
Posts: 498
Joined: 15 years ago

@mateuszpredki welcome to the forums! I haven't had my hands on the UM780XTX or the Venmus Series UM790 Pro. Just at first glance, it has a "big little" hybrid architecture for the CPU. So, would need the boot parameter for ESXi. Proxmox should work fine with the microcode update for CPUs....

I will do some more investigating on the network front and see if we can tell which NIC it has configured. Also, will look at the others.

I reviewed the GMKtec M5. Unfortunately, it looks like I was send the V1 unit which I really liked since it had Intel network adapters. The V2 unit I believe transitioned over to Realtek NICs, but added an additional NVMe slot.

Curious which issues you ran into with Linux installs? Would be good to know what you are seeing.
