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Adafruit Fruit Jam RP2350B credit-card mini computer

Brandon Lee
Posts: 525
Topic starter
Joined: 15 years ago

This is one that struck my attention. This new little board features the Raspberry Pi Pico 2's RP2350B microprocessor. This little computer was inspired by another board called the InchigoJam. They are both Pico-powered but the Fruit Jam board has evertyhing on the single board that allows it to be a totally working 8-bit computer.ย 

It features quite a bit of cool hardware that goes along with the computer, including:

  • USB A ports
  • NeoPixels
  • Buttons
  • StemmaQT
  • Speaker connection with JST
  • 3.5 mm audio jack
  • GPIO pins
  • Analog pins
  • Digital pins
  • DVI monitor connection
  • Use its microSD card slot for storage

It also includes a USB-C port that allows you to power the device and upgrade firmware. it can be programmed in circuit Python. You can read their official blog post on this cool little board here: Fruit Jam RP2350B credit-card mini computer with all the fixinโ€™s ยซ Adafruit Industries โ€“ Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
