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Best .bashrc files for making your Linux terminal look good

Brandon Lee
Posts: 525
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Joined: 15 years ago

If you are delving into Linux or even Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you may not like the default look of the terminal. There is actually a way to make your Linux terminal look much better, and that is the .bashrc file. With the .bashrc file you can customize the look and feel of the terminal to suit your needs and even add useful information.

There are a couple of .bashrc files that I have tried and love to use and I will share with you guys the links for these. The first of these is Tom Lawrence's .bashrc file that he has made available to the community.

You can check out the repo for Tom's "dot" files here: lawrencesystems/dotfiles: Lawrence Systems Dot Files

There is also a really great bashrc file called the Ultimate BashRC file. You can find that one here: The Ultimate Bad Ass .bashrc File

ultimate bashrc file

Hopefully you will find these helpful and great additions to your Linux environment. Just wanted to share what I am using.

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