
  • vcenter6_up12

    Upgrading Windows vCenter Server and Update Manager 5.5 to 6.0

    The upgrade process to get from the Windows version of vCenter Server 5.5 and Update Manager 5.5 to 6.0 is very straightforward. ย The installer in my case worked flawlessly and had no issues running the install wizard and getting the…

  • vcsa6_30

    Lab Deploy VCSA with Embedded Platform Services Controller

    In building my most recent VMware lab inside of VMware workstation, I wanted to deploy the VCSA 6.0 with Embedded Platform Services Controller and step you guys through the process along with a few issues and gotchas along the way.…

  • vmwarelab_DNS_01

    Lightweight DNS Server for VMware Lab

    For those of you who are building and working with your own VMware labs and using either physical home lab hardware or maybe using VMware workstation to setup your nested VMware lab, you most likely will be in need of…

  • freenas_ip05

    FreeNAS Change IP Address on iSCSI target VMware ESXi 6

    FreeNAS is one of the easiest and coolest virtual SAN appliances out there for use with VMware and other Hypervisor labs. ย If you have FreeNAS already setup and running with a VMware lab, you may at some point due to…

  • vm6update04

    How to update an ESXi 6.0 host from commandline

    The processย of updating anย ESXi 6.0 host from commandline is a very painless operation. ย Especially if you have a standalone host and don’t have access to VUM for updates, this procedure works well for me to get the latest updates, and…

  • cliupgrade_07

    Upgrade VMware PowerCLI 5.8 to 6.0

    If you are into automating tasks in your VMware environment, there is no better way to do those tasks than with Powershell and the PowerCLI commandlets. ย With the release now of VMware vSphere 6.0 family of products, there is a…

  • esxi6_2

    Installing ESXi 6.0 in VMware workstation 11

    So with eager excitement all VMware admins out there have been looking to get their hands on ESXi 6.0. ย I am no exception to that rule. ย VMware is a product that continually gets better and better with every release. ย I…

  • opmgrupd_05

    Updating VMware Operations Manager vApp

    Recently with all of the bug fixes and security updates coming out from VMware and others due to Ghost vulnerability, etc, I decided among other VMware updates to update the Operations Manager vApp. ย Updating VMware Operations Manager vApp is relatively…