Upgrading VMware ESXi 6.0 to 6.5
With the release of vSphere 6.5, most will be thinking about upgrading hosts and vSphere infrastructure to 6.5. ย Let’s take a look at the process of upgrading VMware ESXi 6.0 to 6.5 on a ESXi 6.0 U2 host. ย As mentioned…
VMware ESXi 6.5 Install step by step
vSphere 6.5 has been released! ย With the release yesterday of VMware vSphere 6.5, this is aย quick post showing screenshots of the VMware ESXi 6.5 Install step by step and what to expect with the install. ย For the most part there…
Find storage driver version update VMware ESXi
There may be times when you need to update a storage driver in VMware ESXi if you are troubleshooting or ruling out hardware issues. Especially if you install the general ESXi install from VMware without any vendor customizations, it may…
VMware vSphere 6.5 Configure Encrypted VMs
One of the new exciting features that was introduced with vSphere 6.5 is the encrypted VMs feature. ย Security these days is on everyone’s mind and encryption provides a solution to many security concerns. ย What happens if someone gets a copy…
vCenter 6.5 new HTML5 VAMI UI interface
Actually, to be correct, the new HTML5 administrative interface for the new vCenter 6.5 appliance is no longer called VAMI but rather the vCenter Server Appliance Management or VSAM UI. ย This is the new redesigned interface that allows administrative management…
VMware vSphere 6.5 announced download
Recently, at VMware World Barcelona 2016, the much anticipated announcement of the next version of vSphere was released. ย Excitement certainly builds for the availability of this new version of vSphere which touts many new advancements in technology especially in the…
VMware PowerCLI Instant Clone Lab
Most of you have probably already heard quite some time ago about VMware project Fargo which has now matured into VMware Instant Fork technology that allows rapid deployment via rapid cloning of an already running virtual machine. ย This is especially…
Lost access to volume due to connectivity issues
Recently, I ran into an issue with a host where performance would tank from the client side. ย VM consoles and RDP sessions would disconnect as well as the host would become unresponsive to any types of commands within the vCenter…
Can you Install VMware ESXi on 4kn Drives
The answer to the question posed in the post title is – yes you can INSTALL ESXi on 4kn drives. However as I tested recently, the problem you will run into is being able to add a datastore. Let’s take…
ESXTOP troubleshoot VM network connectivity
ESXTOP is one of the best all around troubleshooting tools in the toolbox of a VMware administrator and it is a built in commandline tool available as soon as you install ESXi. ย It is an extraordinarily valuable tool to use…