
  • Make-sure-MOB-is-disabled

    How to Security Harden VMware ESXi Hosts

    When thinking about security, security hardening is one of the terms we use to describe what we do to reduce the attack surface of a host to make it more difficult for it to be compromised in an attack. There…

  • VMware-Hands-On-Labs-Learning-Resource

    VMware Hands On Labs Learning Resource

    All of us who are virtualization engineers are constantly trying to acquire new skills and polish the skills we already have.ย  If you are like me, you are looking for learning resources or trying to find good ways of test…

  • Adding-PVLANs-to-a-VMware-Distributed-Switch

    Configure VMware Distributed Switch Private VLANs

    Segmented and securing network traffic is an essential part of traffic flows in and out of the virtual environment.ย  Traditionally VLANs have been used as a means of separating broadcast domains and securing traffic from one group/type of traffic from…

  • High-Performance-VMware-VM-VMXNET3-adapter

    Create High Performance VMware VMs Checklist

    Virtualization technology allows us to make the most of the underlying physical hardware like was never possible without using a hypervisor.ย  Along with virtualizing hardware, it has introduced some very interesting challenges with building virtual machines for high performance applications.ย …

  • Key-virtual-machine-files-are-now-deleted

    Accidentally delete VMware datastore files for a running VM?

    In case you are curious or may have run into this question before as you are browing around in the datastore browser – Can you accidentally delete VMware datastore files for a running VM? Most may think, since the virtual…

  • Download-PERCCLI-utility-from-Dell-Support-site

    Manage Dell RAID in VMware ESXi 6.5 with PERCCLI

    We have covered the Avago/LSI StorCLI in past posts and how extremely useful it can be loaded on ESXi servers that have DAS volumes being presented with an Avago/LSI RAID controller. The advantage of loading/using the Avago/LSI StorCLI utility is…

  • Begin-setting-up-vSphere-Integration

    What is VMware vRealize Log Insight for vCenter Server

    Let’s face it, syslog collection is not as exciting as other things we would like to be doing as administrators, but often it is a necessary evil that we have to face when troubleshooting or trying to identify potential problems…

  • Using-storage-policy-with-new-virtual-machine-creation

    Using VMware VM Storage Policies

    VMware Virtual Machine Storage Policies fall under the realm of Storage Policy Based Management that assists with virtual machine provisioning. When defined, Storage Based Policies define which type(s) of storage are presented for the virtual machine and how the virtual…

  • FTP-over-TLS-settings-and-certificate-configuration

    Create Secure FTPS server for VMware VCSA 6.5 Backups

    We have covered in detail how to in general provision an FTP server using FileZilla for the purposes of targeting for our VCSA 6.5 backups.ย  However, to take this a step further, what if you want to secure the backup…

  • Verify-we-have-the-new-VM-customization-specification-in-Policies-and-profiles

    Using VMware vSphere VM Customization Specification

    Deploying virtual machines is a basic part of VMware vSphere administration. Virtual machines are deployed, cloned, etc. Customizing the guest operating system can be a very labor intensive set of tasks from a provisioning standpoint. Thankfully, the VM Customization Specifications…