
  • Avi controller and service engines

    Avi Load Balancer VMware Standalone Install

    The “software-defined” revolution has transformed just about every area of the data center in the past few years. One of the latecomers to the game has been the load balancer. However, Avi Networks has now transformed the load balancer in…

  • Stay up to date with vsphere releases

    Best Practices to backup VMware vSphere Virtual Machines

    While containers and containerized workloads are certainly gaining momentum with organizations redesigning business-critical applications for the future, the truth is, virtual machines are here to stay for the foreseeable future. Containers and VMs work well together for most critical IT…

  • Using the managed object browser mob to update the productlocker location in esxi

    ESXi VMware Tools Update Guide

    VMware tools provide a tightly integrated and fluid experience between the guest virtual machines and the VMware ESXi host. With VMware Tools, you get a much better user experience, including video and mouse configuration. Additionally, VMware Tools provides further integration…

  • Managing vmware snapshots using the vsphere client

    How to Manage VMware Snapshots: A Guide

    They can be one of the best features in a VMware vSphere environment, or perhaps the worst, depending on how they are managed and the understanding of what purpose they serve. VMware snapshots provide really great functionality and capabilities for…

  • Creating a basic task to pull powered on vms

    See which VMs were powered on before ESXi host went down

    Have you been in a situation before where you had a standalone host go down, maybe a lab host, and after bringing everything back up, you are not sure which VMs were powered on before the host went down? I…

  • After remediating all hosts in the cluster using vlcm to esxi 7.0 update 2

    Use vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) for ESXi 7.0 Update 2a Upgrade

    VMware vSphere 7 Update 2 contains many great enhancements that I have written about here. Since Update 2 was pulled initially due to an error with the upgrade, VMware has released vSphere 7.0 Update 2a that resolves the upgrade error.…

  • New vmware esxi 7.0 update 2a released for download

    VMware ESXi 7.0 Update 2a Released for Download

    Well, we have been waiting for a few weeks now for the updated release of ESXi 7.0 Update 2 to drop since the first release of ESXi 7.0 Update 2 was pulled due to an issue with an upgrade that…

  • Restarting the management agents from the dcui

    Restart Management Agents ESXi Impact

    Many of us have certainly been there in times past. You have a host that is not responding correctly or some other issue that is weirdly affecting a specific ESXi host. You may hit a VMware KB that points you…

  • Vmware announces vmware anywhere workspace

    VMware announces VMware Anywhere Workspace

    There is no question that work from home initiatives are here to stay in at least some capacity or another for most organizations. Since the beginning of the global pandemic last year, most businesses have pivoted to work from home…

  • Native key provider is active and key derivation key is downloaded

    VMware vSphere 7.0 Update 2 Native Key Provider Configuration

    To take advantage of the data encryption features of vSphere, you need to have what is referred to as a key management server (KMS). Before the release of VMware vSphere 7 Update 2, you had to use a third-party solution,…