Apply Latest Patches to standalone Dell Customized ESXi 5.5 host
In spinning up a new environment recently for a client, we wanted to get the hosts to the latest patch level. We didn’t have local VUM in place or even vCenter for that matter. All three hosts were running the…
How to change the raid controller battery in an MD3000i
In working with a client recently in changing out the RAID controller battery on an MD3000i connected to a small VMware environment, I wanted to post the steps taken to get the batteries changed on both RAID controllers in the…
Migrating ESX 3.5 servers to ESXi 4.1 update 1
Many VMware admins who administer legacy versions of the VMware ESX family hypervisor are probably starting to look at how they can get to the ESXi family of hypervisor since VMware has made it clear (especially with the release of version 5)…
VMware vMotion problems on ESX 3.5 servers after upgrade to vCenter 4.1
If you have run into a problem with VMware vMotion after upgrading your vCenter server to 4.1, it is most likely due to licensing issues and differences between 3.5 and 4.1. In working with a client recently who had this…
VMware Import Machine Error – FAILED MethodFault.summary
the new sdn network will appear under the vnets after the network reload
Joining ESXi to a Domain
Using domain credentials for your VMware environment only makes sense. It alleviates the hassle of having to keep up with two different sets of user credentials and makes for a much more centralized authentication model for users as well as…
Installing vCenter Server 4.1 Step by Step
Installing vCenter Server 4.1 update 1 is a fairly straightforward install. In preparation for this demo, we have built a Windows 2008 R2 64 bit server with all Windows updates, downloaded the ISO for vCenter Server 4.1 update 1 (which…
Virtualization Advantages and Disadvantages
Virtualization and cloud computing are the big buzz words in the the technology industry these days. If you are employed in the tech field, no doubt you have had experience with virtualization and cloud computing either directly or indirectly in…
Cloning a virtual machine without VSPHERE
If you have a single ESXi box and don’t have access to a VSphere box because of the lack of a license or hardware, you are missing some of the key functionality that makes virtualization great. The ability to clone…