USB 3.0 thumb drive not showing in VMware Workstation
For those of you who use VMware Workstation, if you have ever tried to mount maybe a new USB 3.0 thumb drive and have it available as a removable disk in your VMware Workstation guest OS and found that it…
AppAssure Multiple SCSI controllers after export to VM
So far in using AppAssure in several environments, it works pretty well and seems to shine with VM to VM exports. ย It does like most backup software though have a few quirks to deal with. ย If you are an AppAssure…
Cold clone failing targeting vSphere 6 Use Nested ESXi 4.1 instead
In P2V’ing an old environment with several old Windows boxes some of which were domain controllers, I had to use the cold clone 3.03 utility to actually perform the P2V process on the servers in question. ย One of the issues…
Windows 10 ADK USB boot with VMware cold clone 3.03
So this is probably a really weird combination of old and new. ย The other day I was working to P2V an old domain controller as is without dcproming down and then back in. ย Best practice is to dcpromo a DC…
Installing the vSphere 6 Replication Appliance
The vSphere Replication functionality which used to reside exclusively in VMware’s SRM product, is currently a standalone appliance now which gives virtualization administrators the replication functionality piece for free in any licensed version of vSphere. ย The appliance is a small…
Check Equalogic SAN hard drives for errors
Many use and love Equalogic SANs in their virtual environments. ย I wanted to write up a quick post on how to see if any of your hard drives inside your Equalogic have experienced or are experiencing drive errors. ย This can…
vRealize Operations Manager Reset Admin password can’t login
Recently, in working with vRealize Operations Manager, I was prompted to change theย adminย password while logging into the console. ย Using the prompts at the console of the vApp, I was able to successfully set the password. ย However, after that point, access…
Connecting to Virtual Center server is not supported by this client
Lately, I have been trying to get my Windows 10 VM up and running with a lot of the management tools that I use on a daily basis. ย After loaded the vSphere client from one of my ESXi hosts, I…
Change vRealize Operations Manager 6.01 appliance IP Address
Recently in upgrading a production vSphere 5.5 environment to 6.0, I have been working through the individual infrastructure pieces left over to upgrade. ย I spun up a new vRealize Operations Manager Appliance to take the place of the current vCenter…