
  • vsm20

    Deploy Dell Virtual Storage Manager 4.5.2 in vCenter

    For those of you who don’t know or haven’t seen the Dell Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) appliance, it is a virtual appliance provided by Dell which extends the functionality of vCenter to have better control and functionality over their EqualLogic environment.  Including…

  • vvol_snap

    VMware create and restore group snapshots multiple VMs at once

    If you have a lab environment or other “application stack” specific multiple VMs, there can arise the need to create and restore snapshots in unison or in a “group” fashion.  This is easily accomplished with PowerCLI.  Also, in playing around…

  • xen01

    Install Xenserver 6.5 in VMware Workstation 12

    Just a quick write up on how to install XenServer 6.5 in VMware Workstation 12 via nested virtualization.  First things first, we have to setup our nested virtual machine that will house the Xenserver 6.5 hypervisor in VMware Workstation. For the Guest…

  • resource01

    VMware vSphere 6 available memory resources in the parent resource pool are insufficient

    Recently, I ran into an odd issue with a VM that was configured in a three node VMware vSphere 6 cluster.  The cluster housed about 30 other VMs that were functioning properly and had no issues.  After powering off one…

  • thinprint03

    How to enable thinprint VMware Workstation 12

    Since VMware Workstation 12 has all but eliminated the problems I was having with the VMware workstation console interfacing with my VMs, I have since moved back to using the console in the dual screen mode which is nice.  Before…

  • workstation12_09

    How to Upgrade to VMware Workstation 12 Pro

    I use VMware workstation daily in my work environment for segmenting administrative traffic from Internet browsing, as well as to test new OS’es and other configuration lab work.  I have been using Workstation 11 for quite some time now and…

  • eqlsangrp01

    Equallogic SAN basic initial iSCSI setup

    Recently, I configured a couple of Dell Equallogic SANs for two different VMware environments and I wanted to pass along to you guys the steps required to stand up a new Equallogic environment as well as tweaks made to the…

  • AAperm01

    AppAssure vCenter Permissions for Exporting Virtual Standby VMs

    In working recently with AppAssure in exporting VMs for Virtual Standby purposes, I found a lack of documentation in AppAssure or on the net surrounding permissions required in vCenter to export VMs as Virtual Standbys. I wanted to share with…

  • vsphereperm01

    Can’t remove permissions from vCenter Server VCSA 6

    Recently, I came across a weird issue with permissions in vCenter.  A list of user permissions were displayed within vCenter server of users from a trusted domain that had permissions to the server.  However, we wanted to removed those permissions…

  • vlan_iscsi01

    Best Practices using VLANs with iSCSI and vMotion

    So many times, the discussion comes up with using vlans , how to use them, and when they need to be implemented, especially in best practices using vlans with iscsci and vmotion.  Do you always use vlans with iscsi and…