
  • altaro_update01

    Altaro Update Supports Hyper-V CBT

    In case you haven’t heard as of yet, with the lastest round of releases from Altaro, i.e. version 6.5, the Altaro update supports Hyper-V CBT or change block tracking, which it is touting has drastically increased the speed of their…

  • rdplab04

    Use same domain login for production and lab

    Labs are cool right? ย We can use them for many use cases when it comes to testing and proof of concept mock ups. ย If you have been tasked to spin up a copy of your production environment in a lab…

  • veeamerror04

    Veeam the object has already been deleted or has not been completely created

    A quick post here of an issue I ran into supporting a Veeam Backup job in a particular environment. ย After needing to restore a handful of VMs to rollback a few bad changes made, the next backup job failed. ย The…

  • rrcluster04

    P2V Windows Cluster Rapid Recovery

    The last few days I have been involved with a project to P2V an old Windows 2003 (yes cringe, bang head against wall now) cluster running SQL 2005. ย The P2V is simply a stop gap solution to get the cluster…

  • nbeta02

    Try Nakivo 6.1 Beta Download

    Having used a lot of different backup products over the years in the enterprise and in the home lab environment, there are many qualities of a backup software that become important – functionality, simplicity, and stability. ย You want something that…

  • nsxdomfeat

    VMware NSX Domain conflict with 1 existing domain

    Recently, I ran into a peculiar issue with VMware NSX trying to add domains for security grouping. ย Through the GUI the process is fairly straightforward. ย However, after adding a domain in testing, removing, and adding again, I ran into an…

  • linuxP2V04

    P2V Linux server network config

    I wanted to write up a quick post of a few hurdles I went through with P2V’ing a linux web server that was also running cPanel. ย The P2V process worked as expected, however upon the first boot of the VM,…

  • nakivofeat

    Nakivo Backup & Replication v6.0 Install and Impressions

    These days there are quite a few backup and replication products on the market for the virtual environments that may beย considered when choosing a way to protect critical VMs and data. ย However, there are a few that set themselves apart…

  • rrlinux01

    Installing Rapid Recovery agent Linux

    If you are using Rapid Recovery in your environment, you will most likely have a Linux box that you would like to add to your protected servers at some point. ย Recently I added a Linux box to Rapid Recovery and…

  • vcsaspace01

    Troubleshooting VMware VCSA 6 disk space issues

    Over the past weekend, I noticed via alerts that there were issues connecting to my vCenter environment. ย I have seen some false positives before with the alerts and vCenter connectivity, so I wasn’t too concerned at first. ย However, upon just…