Netdata Agent and Cloud: Ultimate Real-Time Infrastructure Monitoring
Adding nodes to Netdata
HornetSecurity VM Backup v9 Released New Features
The world of data protection is a crowded one with many options to choose from. HornetSecurity VM Backup, formerly Altaro VM Backup, has released the latest version of its data protection solution, Hornet Security VM Backup v9. It provides a…
BDRSuite v5.6.0 Released – New Features
Vembu has recently announced that BDRSuite v5.6.0 has arrived and it is loaded with many great new features and enhancements. Let’s take a look at BDRSuite v5.6.0 released new features and how you can download this release. About BDRSuite BDRSuite…
AdGuard Home vs. PiHole – Best adblocker?
There are two popular solutions to getting rid of ads in the home network, AdGuard Home and PiHole. Which one is best? What are the pros and cons of each? Table of contentsWhat is Adguard?DNS resolverAdguard has many solutionsAdGuard Home…
runZero Asset Inventory and Network Discovery Review
RunZero, formerly known as Rumble, is a great new asset inventory and network discovery tool. It provides highly accurate asset identification and has become an excellent tool for security teams and IT administrators. This post will delve into the features…
NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.8 GA new features download
NAKIVO Backup & Replication is a great solution for enterprise backups and continues to add great new features with each release, including the v10.8 release, now the latest and greatest release from NAKIVO that is now GA. Let’s look at…
Server Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
Many great free and open-source monitoring solutions are available for monitoring your servers and applications. In case you have not heard about the free and open-source monitoring solution, Prometheus, we will look at the Prometheus node exporter to scrape metrics…
NAKIVO Backup and Replication v10.8 Beta Released New Features
As we near the end of the year, data protection solution releases are heating up as companies get new releases out the door before the new year. NAKIVO has released NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.8 Beta with many new features…
BDRSuite v5.5 Released New Features with vSphere 8.0 Backup
The data protection space is crowded across the board, with many great solutions available on the market to help protect critical data. However, one of the great solutions available, and one that I have been working with for the past…