Backup Software

  • Vembu-BDR-Suite

    Vembu BDR Suite 3.9 New Features

    Vembu has recently announced the upcoming release of Vembu BDR Suite 3.9.  Vembu continues to innovate in their already very full-featured, all-inclusive backup product.  Vembu’s BDR Suite product covers data protection for all types of workloads including, physical, virtual, and…

  • Add-Existing-Hard-Drives-to-New-VM-with-lower-Hardware-Compatibility-Level

    Veeam Restore VM hardware version is not supported by destination host

    After shipping a Veeam backup to another site location and attempting to restore, I ran into an issue the other day with a Veeam restore due to different vSphere versions between sites.  In Site A we had updated to vSphere…

  • Spinbackup-provides-powerful-domain-audit-including-security-related-events

    Choosing the Best G Suite Backup Solution

    Most organizations today are either thinking about migrating applications and resources to the public cloud or their migration is already underway.  Many extremely powerful and cost-effective options exist for moving resources to the public cloud.  Google has been a major…

  • Veeam-Backup-and-Replication-9.5-Update-3-install

    Veeam Backup and Replication 9.5 Update 3 Released New Features

    Just a couple of days ago Veeam announced the official release of Veeam Backup & Replicaton 9.5 Update 3 to everyone after giving it a few weeks with MSPs and other service providers. They are touting Update 3 as the…

  • Kicking-off-the-install-for-Veeam-Backup-Enterprise-Manager

    Monitor Veeam Backups with Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager

    protection solution providing disaster recovery in the case of a true disaster event. If you are using Veeam Backup & Replication and especially multiple Veeam Backup & Replication servers, it can be difficult to keep track of jobs, job statuses,…

  • NAS-based-virtual-backup-appliance

    VMware Data Recovery Finding the Best Replacement

    VMware historically has provided a few good backup technologies that used to meet the needs of many SMBs and even small enterprise environments. Recently, one of those products – vSphere Data Protection (VDP) – was announced to be end-of-life. However,…

  • Vembu-BDR-Suite-multi-format-disk-options-for-download

    Vembu Perpetual Licensing Service Provider Program and GDPR

    Recently, Vembu Technologies has made some exciting announcements for customers regarding their suite of products, pricing and keeping pace with the various compliance standards on the horizon.  Vembu is a great data protection solution that covers the entire gamut of…

  • Veeam-Temporary-Snapshot-on-a-virtual-machine

    Check for Orphaned Veeam Temporary Snapshots

    For those using Veeam Backup & Replication in a vSphere environment perhaps backing up hundreds of virtual machines one of the important housekeeping items you may want to keep a check on is any Veeam temporary snapshots that may for…

  • NAKIVO-Backup-and-Replication-v7.3-GA-released-with-deduplication-appliance-support

    NAKIVO Backup and Replication v7.3 GA released new features

    NAKIVO is still blazing a trail with rapid development, aggressive release cycles, and listening to customer input. It is excellent to see a company that is driven for providing what customers want to see along with innovation to existing platforms.…

  • Save-OffsiteDR-replication-settings

    Configure Offsite Disaster Recovery Copy

    A crucial aspect of disaster recovery is the ability to provide an offsite disaster recovery site. This provides site resiliency. If you lose an entire production site, you can failover to the secondary DR location and funnel traffic over to…