
  • security_01

    How to Increase Home Network Security

    Let’s face it, these days, our digital security is under attack just about anywhere we are and access our data.  However, we may not think about security when we are at home.  After all, home is our private place, our…

  • sophosvpn2

    How to connect Shrew Soft VPN client to Sophos IPsec VPN

    So far I have really been impressed with the features and power of the Sophos UTM appliance.  I have ran it both in a software based applianced running on a whitebox atom powered machine and also in a VMware virtual…

  • sophos03

    Sophos UTM vs Untangle

    UTM or Unified Threat Management devices are becoming more and more popular as businesses and corporations have realized in the past couple of years that a simple tradition firewall of allows and denies is not adequate any longer.  Hackers and…

  • g2step04

    Google 2 Step Verification Setup with Duo

    Two step verification is quickly becoming the preferred means of authentication especially for the security minded out there who want that extra layer of security protecting their personal accounts or other information.  Two step verification in general makes the end…

  • emet5

    Install Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit EMET for better security

    In this day and age of high profile exploits in the news involving businesses that we all know and use, digital security is more on the minds of everyone now than ever before.  While there isn’t anything we as consumers…

  • godaddy_ev_ucc1

    Godaddy EV UCC SSL certificate nonexistent

    Recently working with a client, we needed to have the ability to have an extended validation multiple domain certificate to secure a website answering to multiple domain names with the green bar showing on all names.  The company had all…

  • lockworkstation

    The safer way to lock your Windows computer

    How many times have all of us walked away from our workstations thinking that the CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then ENTER keystrokes we entered successfully locked our workstations only to come back and find that we were too fast for Windows and…

  • bwidthhog2

    How to find and block abusive BYOD devices on your network

    With the ever growing popularity of smartphones and tablets and the availability and affordability of these devices, more and more people are bringing them to work.  Especially in smaller to mid sized businesses, bandwidth is still a premium that most…

  • untanglecryptofeat

    How to use Untangle to help prevent Cryptolocker infections

    Cryptolocker is probably one of the most malicious and feared malware infections in quite some time.  Most malware infections are a nuisance at most and a good sweep by a spyware utility such as malwarebytes will clean up the infection…

  • spamblock1

    How to find an infected network host sending SPAM messages

    A very challenging situation in a network environment where you may have several or even hundreds of network hosts is finding a specific host that is infected with malware.  Many variants of malware may send SPAM messages from the infected…