Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V Server Core Uninstall Programs
If you are working with Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V Server Core and need to uninstall programs, there is no GUI or built in menu to do this with the sconfig utility. However using a remote registry connection and looking at the…
Windows Server 2016 Server Core the machine is already joined to the domain
In working a lot recently with Windows Server 2016 Core in a lab environment, I ran into an issue after rolling back a snapshot on a Hyper-V Server Core install. The snapshot rollback of course broke the computer account/domain relationship…
Windows Server 2016 Lower Forest and Domain Functional Level
In my home lab environment, I had the need to change the functional levels of my forest and domain to do some testing work with Exchange 2010. I was running in native Windows Server 2016 mode in both the forest…
Windows Server 2016 DNS Policy Deny Subnet Access to Zone
In the previous post, Controlling Home Lab DNS Resolution with Windows Server 2016, we looked briefly at the benefits of running Windows Server 2016 DNS server in a home lab environment and why you would want to do that. Looking a…
Upgrade Windows Server 2012 R2 Domain Controller to Windows Server 2016
For those who may be considering upgrading Windows Server 2012 R2 Domain Controller to Windows Server 2016, there are a few things to consider first. I have never liked the idea of upgrading OS’es. It just seems like taking contaminated…
Prepare Active Directory Windows Server 2016 DC Adprep
With the RTM release of Windows Server 2016, many will be thinking about and looking to introduce a Windows Server 2016 domain controller into their existing Active Directory environments. Let’s take a look at how to prepare Active Directory Windows…
Windows Server 2016 RTM Installation and Configuration
Well, with Windows Server 2016 now RTM, many administrators are gearing up to start looking at installing their first WS2016 server in their environments, myself included. There is a whole range of new features especially with cloud capabilities that make…
Add SMTP Windows Server 2016
Most may not realize that there is actually a free SMTP server builtin to Windows Server all the way back to Windows 2003 and is IIS 6 technology (I know, try to suppress your nausea). The SMTP server is a feature that…
Windows Server 2016 Containers Basic Setup
If you would like to lab and play around with containers, there is a really great setup script and a few easy steps you can follow to get a copy of Windows Server 2016 TP 4 setup with containers working.…
Windows Server Technical Preview 2 Soft Reboot
One of the highly anticipated features of the next Server OS from Microsoft is the soft reboot feature which allows for a soft reboot of services and the shell instead of having to reboot an entire server through POST, RAID adapter post,…