
Microsoft Windows News, tips, tricks, configuration help, and troubleshooting.

  • Installing-VSCodes-using-the-Windows-Package-Manager-preview-winget-install-command

    Installing New Windows Package Manager Winget in Windows 10

    Since the beginning of time, Linux has had a native package manager included in the distros natively. System administrators have loved this about Linux. It is a great way to control and manage the software that is installed. It makes…

  • Users-who-login-to-rd-web-access-will-now-see-the-collection-that-has-been-assigned

    Windows Server 2019 RD Web Access Configuration

    When configuring remote desktop services, one of the powerful capabilities that it provides is remote desktop web access, or rd web access as many know it as. Remote desktop services has become even easier to configure over the last few…

  • Remote-Desktop-MSTSC-settings

    Remote Desktop Gateway Server 2016 or 2019 Configuration

    There is no question, there have been a lot of organizations that have had to shift their focus to remote working over the past few weeks/months. If you are a Windows Server shop and also maintain Windows clients for your…

  • Hyper-V-failed-to-change-state-error-fix

    Hyper-V Failed to Change State Error Fix

    If you have ran Hyper-V for any length of time, you know that encountering an issue that prevents you from starting your virtual machines is a “show stopper”. There is an error in particular that can prevent your Hyper-V VMs…

  • Migrate-Windows-Server-2008-R2-to-2019-with-Storage-Migration

    Migrate Windows Server 2008 R2 to 2019 with Storage Migration

    With the January 14, 2020 deadline rapidly approaching, getting off Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 should be a priority. The End of Life designation will now mean no more security updates or official support from Microsoft. You can migrate…

  • Windows-Server-2008-R2-End-of-Life-Near

    Windows Server 2008 R2 End of Life Near

    If you run Windows Server 2008 R2 in your environment as well Server 2008 flat, you are in the “5 minutes til midnight” hour of getting a plan together to migrate off your Windows Server 2008 platform. Just like Server…

  • Windows-Server-2019-vs-2016-which-to-choose

    Windows Server 2019 vs 2016 – Which to Choose?

    With the introduction of Windows Server 2016 and now 2019, many businesses are looking at upgrading their infrastructure to use the latest versions of Windows Server operating systems. If you are running a legacy version of Microsoft Windows Server like…

  • Active-Directory-Administrative-Center-Windows-10-properties-and-locate-1

    Windows Admin Center New Active Directory Extension

    Remember the Active Directory Administrative Center? If you are like me, you didn’t really see many across the enterprise make use of the “next-generation” of Active Directory management. However, there is a new Active Directory Administrative Center that I would…

  • Hyper-V-Roadmap-of-New-Features

    Hyper-V Roadmap of Upcoming Features

    If you are like me and just getting to digest some of the content from the recent Microsoft Ignite conference, there are several sessions that caught my attention. One of the sessions detailed what’s next with Hyper-V. In that session,…

  • Windows-10-1909-Download-Released-New-Features

    Windows 10 1909 Download Released New Features

    Well, apparently the wait is over for Windows 10 version 1909 aka 19H2 as it appears it has been released and starting to roll out for those looking to upgrade to the latest and greatest on the slow ring. In…