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  • Screenshot_2013-08-21-13-32-55

    Samsung Galaxy S4 wifi tethering not working after MF3 update

    For those of you who have updated to the MF3 update and then also re-rooted your phone using the new “root only, no recovery” process that has been discovered, you may have noticed as I did that the wifi tether…

  • appSD1

    ATT Samsung Galaxy S4 I337UCUAMF3 firmware review

    Recently, as most SGS4 owners already know, their respective carriers have been rolling out updates to the SGS4.ย  Being with ATT, I of course was interested in receiving the MF3 update as it has many proposed performance and other enhancements,…

  • sgs4

    Already rooted ATT Samsung Galaxy S4 and TWRP installed how to get MF3 update

    If you are like me, one of the first things I wanted to do with my brand new Samsung Galaxy S4 was get it rooted so I could do all kinds of cool stuff that you just can’t do without…

  • exdialer1

    How to remove the drip dialer sound Samsung Galaxy S4

    The samsung Galaxy S4 has certainly set the standard for Android smartphones and most users so far love their new SGS4 phone. ย It is a great device packed with tons of technology and features that most love. ย One of the…

  • screenshots1

    Screenshot file location Samsung Galaxy S4

    I wanted to post a quick how-to on screenshots in the Samsung Galaxy S4. ย Screenshots are definitely a useful functional feature especially if you are wanting to capture what you really see on your phone screen. ย It is definitely a…

  • Screenshot_2013-05-21-10-14-49

    Samsung Galaxy S4 widgets not updating

    After recently purchasing Samsung’s new flagship smartphone the Galaxy S4, I have had a weird issue with some of my beloved weather widgets not updating. ย I had tried several different ones and after a period of time, the widget would…

  • cyanogenfeat1

    Cyanogenmod promises to never include apps like Carrier IQ

    Our friends at Cyanogenmod have vowed to never include spyware apps such as Carrier IQ in their distributions of Cyanogenmod.ย  We are huge fans of Cyanogenmod here at Computer-howto and to send kudos to the developers there for providing such…

  • tetherthumb

    Android Wifi Tether Installation and Configuration

    One of the coolest things that you can do once you have rooted your Android device is install Wifi Tether software which allows your phone to become a mobile hotspot for other devices that need Internet connectivity.ย  This is extremely…

  • openvpnthumb

    How to Configure OpenVPN Android mobile

    For those of you who are running an OpenVPN server perhaps on an Untangle box or some other variety of OpenVPN solution, you may have the need to connect to the VPN from your Android mobile device.ย  One of the…