NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 3080 3090 Released Specs Availability
Today was the event that certainly has been anticipated by those who have been following the recent news, leaks, and other information online. NVIDIA has been set to release a new flagship GPU for the RTX line. I covered in…
When will Alienware PCs get the New Nvidia RTX 3080 and 3090?
With the release of Flight Simulator 2020, I have the itch to have a gaming computer once again with the graphics horsepower needed to play FS2020. The new FS2020 release is stressing even the current top graphics hardware available on…
Is Meltdown fixed in Intel Xeon D-2100 Processor?
The Intel Meltdown vulnerability and then the more general and broad vulnerability in Spectre have certainly been one of the most talked about hardware security vulnerabilities in modern history. The past several weeks since the vulnerability was disclosed have been…
New Surface Pro 2017 Review
So for a while now, I have been looking at replacing an aging road warrior laptop that has been showing its age recently. I have been flirting with the idea of replacing it with a two-in-one and have eyed the…