
  • Enter PSSession Running PowerShell Remote Commands

    Enter-PSsession: Run PowerShell Remote Commands

    Enter-PSsession is an important PowerShell cmdlet that allows admins to create connections to remote computers or servers and is a great way to administer these remotely. Let’s get a good overview of Enter-PSsession and see how you can use it.…

  • Ansible Semaphore Open Source Ansible GUI

    Ansible Semaphore: Awesome Open Source Ansible GUI

    Ansible is an awesome automation tool that I use in the home lab and production environment regularly. However, sometimes it is nice to have a GUI to point and click around to configure jobs, inventory, etc. Ansible has a commercial…

  • Get DNSname PowerShell DNS lookup

    Resolve-DNSname: PowerShell DNS Lookup

    Let’s look at a very cool and powerful DNS troubleshooting tool that is included as a PowerShell cmdlet. The Resolve-DnsName PowerShell cmdlet is a tool that includes the features of many of the legacy command line tools. Let’s see how…

  • PSWindowsUpdate Automated Windows Updates with PowerShell

    PSWindowsupdate: Automated Windows Updates with PowerShell

    Let’s look at PSWindowsupdate automated Windows Updates with PowerShell and see how it can come to the rescue for keeping your Windows environment up-to-date. Table of contentsWhat is PSWindowsUpdate?Installing the PSWindowsUpdate ModuleImporting the PSWindowsUpdate ModuleChecking for Available UpdatesDownloading Windows UpdatesInstalling…

  • Scan your IaC Code Now

    Terrascan: Cloud Compliance and Security Scanner for IaC

    Terrascan is a cool utility that provides a code analyzer that helps to make sure your infrastructure as code is secure and compliant. Table of contentsWhat is Terrascan?Cloud sandboxTerrascanโ€™s Features and CapabilitiesInstalling Terrascan and Setting Up a Terrascan SandboxLeveraging Terrascan…

  • ArgoCD Helm Chart Install Applications

    Argo CD, a GitOps continuous delivery tool, and Helm, can both work together to help admins to simplify the deployment and management process for Kubernetes clusters. We’ll explore ArgoCD helm chart install and how to deploy an application. Table of…

  • Glowing,Text,"automation",In,The,Hands,Of,A,Businessman.,Business

    Top 25 DevOps Automation Tools in 2023

    In this guide, we’ve compiled the top 25 DevOps automation tools in 2023 (plus 1) to help you enhance your workflow and streamline your software development processes. What DevOps automation tool are you using? Note the following popular DevOps automation…

  • Ansible Software Patching for Beginners

    Ansible is a well-known configuration management solution that can be used for automating many different things. One thing you can do very well with Ansible is using it for updates and software patching. Let’s see how. Table of contentsSetting up…

  • Ansible Docker Container Management Playbooks

    Ansible can be used to manage your Docker container environment and other infrastructure. Let’s see how that can be done. Table of contentsWhat is Docker?What is Ansible?Playbooks to install packagesDocker build with AnsibleDocker Installation TasksAdding Docker Image to playbooksRunning Ansible…

  • Terraform remote-exec provisioners

    Terraform remote exec provisioner to run shell commands

    If you are delving into using Terraform in your production or home lab environment, it is a great way to automate your infrastructure, either in a private cloud or public cloud environment. The Terraform provisioner block allows running commands on…