Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at, and a 7-time VMware vExpert, with over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.
  • PowershellUpdating-VMware-PowerCLI-module

    VMware PowerShell Module Download

    PowerShell has quickly become the defacto standard for automating Windows environments over the past several years. However, using PowerShell, admins can automate other environments, including VMware vSphere using PowerShell. PowerShell is a modular platform that extends PowerShell with both “snap-ins”…

  • VMwareCheck-VMware-host-uptime-using-the-vSphere-Client-1

    Check VMware Host Uptime in 3 Ways

    It is often handy to know how long your VMware ESXi host has been running, either for troubleshooting purposes, to diagnose stability issues, or to maintain a record of maintenance and other information regarding your VMware ESXi hosts making up…

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    VMware Horizon Home Lab Build

    Many of you already have a VMware vSphere home lab where you are running the latest and greatest vSphere version, including vCenter Server, ESXi hosts, and maybe a vSAN cluster. You may have NSX-T running in your lab as well.…

  • Backup SoftwareDownloading-NAKIVO-Backup-and-Replication-v10.2-Beta

    NAKIVO Backup and Replication v10.2 Beta New Features

    Not long ago, we detailed the release of NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.1. NAKIVO has just announced the release of NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.2 Beta. NAKIVO has been steadily strengthening their cloud capabilities with more features that allow leveraging…

  • Windows Server 2019Using-OSDBuilder-to-create-a-Windows-Server-2019-USB-installation-disk

    Create a USB Drive for Windows Server 2019 Installation

    USB devices have solidly replaced optical media across the board for various uses. This includes installation media. USB devices are superior to optical media in many ways since they are easily reusable for installing operating systems. They are convenient and…

  • ComputersSecurity-planning-overview-of-traffic-flows-in-vRNI

    VMware vRealize Network Insight vRNI Assessment

    VMware vRealize Network Insight (vRNI) clarifies network flows in and out of your virtual environment and how this network traffic intersects your physical infrastructure. With VMware vRNI, you have a solution that allows gathering the information needed for effectively deploying…

  • Horizon ViewVMware-Horizon-Make-Replica-Connection-Server-Standard

    VMware Horizon Make Replica Connection Server Standard

    In most architecture, you never want to have a “single” of anything. You want to make sure you have multiple resources to perform a certain role in case you have one of those resources fail for some reason. This is…

  • Software Defined StorageStarWind-VSAN-architecture-overview

    New StarWind VSAN for vSphere Download

    Most enterprise organizations today are making use of software-defined storage technologies. These bring many capabilities to the table that go beyond what traditional storage can do. StarWind VSAN solutions continue to become more powerful and fully-featured with each release. StarWind…

  • PowershellDifference-between-PowerShell-Core-LTS-and-Stable

    Difference between PowerShell Core LTS and Stable

    As most are aware, there are now two versions of Microsoft PowerShell for use in the enterprise. There is the legacy version of PowerShell, version 5.x, which is included with modern Windows versions. As most may know, PowerShell Core is…

  • Windows Server 2021Native-Windows-Server-2021-management-with-Windows-Admin-Center

    Windows Server 2021 vs Windows Server 2019

    ***Update*** – The next version of Windows is Windows Server 2022 and not 2021. See below. Recently we took a look at Windows Server 2021 Preview Build Features and the new features that are contained in the vNext Preview Build…