12 Ways to Protect your Organization from Ransomware
It sends a chill up the spine of any CIO, IT admin, or SecOps professional – ransomware. Ransomware is growing in terms of how often it is used to attack an organization, the sophistication, and the tactics used by modern…
Backup Software
Vembu Backup for Microsoft 365 Review
So many organizations are migrating their business-critical data to the cloud by way of cloud Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) environments. Cloud SaaS has seen a tremendous uptick, especially since the onset of the global pandemic. Microsoft 365 is an extremely popular choice…
home lab
Add a TPM card to VMware vSAN Host
Security is an extremely important part of server technology these days. With the sophistication of malicious attacks, supply chain hacks, and other risks to business-critical data, security contains several layers of protection. Security not only must be applied to software…
Windows 11
Create Windows 11 ISO with No TPM Check
The last few days have been spent with a lot of Windows 11 time. Many have had issues with the TPM check since the release of Windows 11 GA. The Preview Builds did not check for a proper TPM. However,…
VMware Automation
Automated Windows 11 Installation with autounattend and Packer
With Windows 11 now out among the masses, you are probably looking at deploying your Windows 11 installation in an automated way. Automated installations allow Windows 11 to be installed automatically which allows installing the operating system consistently, and for…
Speed up Windows 11 with VMware OS Optimization Tool
The VMware OS Optimization Tool is a tool that Horizon and VDI administrators have known and loved for years now. It takes the heavy lifting out of optimizing the OS and can literally change hundreds of settings in a matter…
Tanzu Community Edition
Install Kubernetes in Windows using Tanzu Community Edition
One of the announcements that I was personally excited about coming from VMworld 2021 is the release of Tanzu Community Edition (TCE). You can read my blog post covering Tanzu Community Edition here. One of the great things you can…
Backup Software
NAKIVO Backup and Replication v10.5 Beta Released New Features
NAKIVO Backup & Replication has been on an aggressive path of updates over the past year, despite the pandemic. It is great to see a company continuing to deliver great updates and remain productive, even with the disruptive events going…
Windows 11
Install Windows 11 without TPM Registry Hack
With the release of Windows 11 to the masses as the GA release has landed, many are attempting to perform upgrades and clean installs of Windows 11 GA. However, if you are like me, you ran into issues with the…
What is VMware Skyline Advisor Pro?
VMware has had a product for a while now called VMware Skyline that provides proactive monitoring, analysis, and support for your VMware environment. It monitors your VMware installation and will notify you when issues arise. However, one of the interesting…