Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at, and a 7-time VMware vExpert, with over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.
  • VirtualizationReady to begin and select the network configuration

    Install KVM Ubuntu 22.04 – Step-by-Step

    Many hypervisors are great platforms for running virtual machines in your environment, including commercial hypervisors and open-source options. However, let’s look at Kernel-based virtual machine (KVM). KVM on ubuntu 22.04 is a great option for running an open-source virtual machine…

  • ProxmoxApplying the new vlan configuration for the management interface

    Proxmox Management Interface VLAN tagging configuration

    If you have configured your Promox server in the home lab, most want to segregate their management traffic from the other types of traffic in their lab environment as part of their network configuration. Making the management interface VLAN aware…

  • ContainersWindows Admin Center overview dashboard

    IIS to Docker Image with Windows Admin Center

    Many organizations heavily utilizing traditional IIS websites running on top of full virtual machines would like to start migrating to a more modern approach using containers running on top of Docker. By running Windows containers, we can successfully run IIS…

  • Proxmox2022 09 13 13 28 05

    Proxmox vs ESXi – ultimate comparison 2022

    There are many great hypervisors in use in the enterprise data center, in SMB environments, and home lab environments. Two of those hypervisors include Proxmox VE and VMware ESXi. Both are fantastic hypervisors with many strengths in hosting enterprise workloads…

  • Proxmox Create ISO Storage Location – disk space error

    If you are working with Proxmox in your home lab or otherwise, one of the first things you will want to do is upload ISO installation media to your Proxmox host. You can mount a physical CD to your Proxmox…

  • Azure Stack HCIAzure stack hci vs hyper v

    Azure stack HCI vs Hyper-V

    Unquestionably, enterprise virtualization host technologies have changed over the past decade. The big virtualization vendors, such as VMware, Microsoft, and others have released new features and offerings to continue to help meet the challenges found in the enterprise data center.…

  • Backup SoftwareNew NAKIVO Backup Replication Overview dashboard in v10.7

    NAKIVO Backup and Replication v10.7 GA released new features

    It has only been since the last part of July that we wrote about the new NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.7 Beta release. The new NAKIVO v10.7 has now been released as GA providing many great features to note across…

  • Windows Server 2022Install the module needed to install Docker from the Nuget Provider

    Install Docker on Windows Server 2022

    Most organizations are looking at running containers in their organization. However, much of what you read about containers revolves around Linux containers. However, what if you want to run containers on Windows Server? Windows Server Containers are a great way…

  • VDIVMware Anywhere worksapce is becoming autonomous

    VMware Anywhere Workspace Announcements at VMware Explore 2022

    There is no question that over the past two years or so, organizations worldwide have had to rethink their strategy for remote work. The pandemic accelerated the digital revolution and got businesses to think about how they empower end-users to…

  • vSANNew Log Structured file system in vSAN 8

    VMware vSAN 8 – What’s New? Technical Deep Dive

    VMware vSAN represents one of the most significant improvements of VMware vSAN since it was introduced in 2014. The industry has evolved in storage and across the board from a technology perspective. With the hardware of today and the focus…