Self hosted
Adguard Home Docker Compose with Traefik Ingress
I have been playing around with different DNS sinkhole services in the home lab environment. I have been running Pi-Hole for a while now, but I wanted to take Adguard Home for a spin. Since I run Docker hosts and…
AdGuard Home vs. PiHole – Best adblocker?
There are two popular solutions to getting rid of ads in the home network, AdGuard Home and PiHole. Which one is best? What are the pros and cons of each? Table of contentsWhat is Adguard?DNS resolverAdguard has many solutionsAdGuard Home…
runZero Asset Inventory and Network Discovery Review
RunZero, formerly known as Rumble, is a great new asset inventory and network discovery tool. It provides highly accurate asset identification and has become an excellent tool for security teams and IT administrators. This post will delve into the features…
Kube-Prometheus-Stack installation and configuration
The Kube-Prometheus-Stack is a great tool for monitoring your Kubernetes clusters, offering comprehensive visibility into your infrastructure. This blog post covers various aspects of using the Kube-Prometheus-Stack, from getting started with Helm to ensuring optimal configurations and security measures. We…
vSphere 8
VMware vSphere 8 Update 1 Announced – New Features including OKTA
Not long now after the release of VMware vSphere 8 and great features like the VMware Cloud console, VMware has announced VMware vSphere 8 Update 1 with great new features that span security, automation, storage, and many others. In this…
Kubernetes vs. Docker Compose: The Main Differences
Use the web editor to paste in Docker Compose code
NetShoot Troubleshoot Docker Networking Issues
Docker networking can be complicated to troubleshoot and to know what connectivity issues are seen from the container standpoint. Netshoot is a Docker container that contains various network troubleshooting tools and utilities. It can help you diagnose and solve networking…
Proxmox Helper Scripts you can use
Let’s take a look at Proxmox helper scripts that can save you as a Proxmox admin tons of time and effort in doing manual tasks through the GUI. Let’s see how they work, and some examples of Proxmox helper scripts…
Azure Stack HCI
Azure Stack HCI vs. Windows Server Hyper-V Webinar
You may have heard about Azure Stack HCI. What is it? Also what about Azure Stack HCI vs Windows Server Hyper-V? What are the similarities and differences? Azure Stack HCI Azure Stack HCI is a new hyperconverged infrastructure offering from…
Digital Workspace
VMware unveils Next-gen Workspace ONE SaaS platform
VMware is introducing new enhancements to its Anywhere Workspace platform, aimed at helping organizations tackle the challenges of managing operational complexities and supporting employees in a hybrid workforce. These enhancements include radical changes to the Workspace ONE architecture, allowing for…