TrueNAS Docker Compose with Scale Apps and Truecharts
TrueNAS can truly be a LAN in a CAN solution as it can run virtual machines and even Docker containers which you may not have realized. Let’s look at this feature and see how it can run containerized apps easily…
Truenas Core vs. Scale – A detailed comparison
TrueNAS has made a name for itself as a great all around solution for not only storage but also running workloads itself like virtual machines and even Docker containers. There are two versions that you may have noticed you can…
Cloud Infrastructure Management for Beginners
There have been a lot of changes over the past several years in how organizations are rolling out their infrastructure. They have shifted a lot of infrastructure to cloud computing environments. Managing these environments is a key part of the…
Kubernetes Monitoring Tools with Prometheus and Grafana
Kubernetes monitoring and effective monitoring at that can be done with effective free and open source solutions like Prometheus and Grafana. Both of these solutions when used together can help monitor your modern infrastructure with Kubernetes. Table of contentsWhat is…
Self hosted
Bitwarden Unified Docker installation self-hosted password manager
Getting your self-hosted Installation ID and Installation Key
Self hosted
Adguard Home Docker Compose with Traefik Ingress
I have been playing around with different DNS sinkhole services in the home lab environment. I have been running Pi-Hole for a while now, but I wanted to take Adguard Home for a spin. Since I run Docker hosts and…
AdGuard Home vs. PiHole – Best adblocker?
There are two popular solutions to getting rid of ads in the home network, AdGuard Home and PiHole. Which one is best? What are the pros and cons of each? Table of contentsWhat is Adguard?DNS resolverAdguard has many solutionsAdGuard Home…
runZero Asset Inventory and Network Discovery Review
RunZero, formerly known as Rumble, is a great new asset inventory and network discovery tool. It provides highly accurate asset identification and has become an excellent tool for security teams and IT administrators. This post will delve into the features…
Kube-Prometheus-Stack installation and configuration
The Kube-Prometheus-Stack is a great tool for monitoring your Kubernetes clusters, offering comprehensive visibility into your infrastructure. This blog post covers various aspects of using the Kube-Prometheus-Stack, from getting started with Helm to ensuring optimal configurations and security measures. We…
vSphere 8
VMware vSphere 8 Update 1 Announced – New Features including OKTA
Not long now after the release of VMware vSphere 8 and great features like the VMware Cloud console, VMware has announced VMware vSphere 8 Update 1 with great new features that span security, automation, storage, and many others. In this…