Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at, and a 7-time VMware vExpert, with over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.
  • home labWhat is a home lab and why build one

    What is a HomeLab and Why Build One?

    A home lab, or simply “lab,” is a personal space where technology enthusiasts, professionals, and hobbyists can experiment with various hardware and software. From virtual machines to your own server, a home lab offers endless possibilities. But what exactly is…

  • DevOpsAnsible vs Terraform Best DevOps tool

    Ansible vs Terraform: Best DevOps tool?

    Ansible and Terraform are excellent DevOps tools that can provide many automation benefits in enterprise and cloud environments. However, I would say that each has its strengths in configuring and provisioning infrastructure. Look at Ansible vs Terraform and see which…

  • KubernetesThe Best Kubernetes Management Tools in 2023

    Best Kubernetes Management Tools in 2023

    Kubernetes is everywhere these days. It is used in the enterprise and even in many home labs. It’s a skill that’s sought after, especially with today’s push for app modernization. Many tools help you manage things in Kubernetes, like clusters,…

  • DevOpsAnsible Copy Module automated file copies

    Ansible Copy: Automated file copy module

    There is no doubt that Ansible is an excellent tool in the home lab, production, and any other environment you want to automate. It provides configuration management capabilities, and the learning curve isn’t too steep. There is a module, in…

  • PowershellWSUS import the underlying connection was closed

    WSUS Import The Underlying Connection Was Closed New PowerShell Script

    Microsoft recently announced that the WSUS import updates feature in the WSUS console would no longer be used. Instead, admins need to use a PowerShell script provided by Microsoft to import updates into WSUS. However, in my recent testing of…

  • NetworkingEnGenius access point review cloud wireless for free

    EnGenius Access Point Review: Cloud-managed Wireless

    EnGenius is a brand gaining traction and visibility among many across the landscape of wireless solutions available on the market today. The wireless space is certainly a crowded one with many solutions, vendors, and technologies to choose from, both for…

  • home labTop Home Server Rack Tips

    Top Home Server Rack Tips in 2023

    A home server rack is essential to your home lab as it grows and you add new equipment. Let’s look at the top home server rack tips in 2023 and see different options and things to choose from. Table of…

  • Containerskubectl config get contexts

    Kubectl get context: List Kubernetes cluster connections

    kubectl, a command line tool that enables you to work directly with the Kubernetes API server. It is the tool that you will want to learn when working with Kubernetes. Let’s look at one of the important commands to understand…

  • home labDocker Swarm vs Kubernetes for home lab

    Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes: Home Lab Comparison

    For those wanting to get starting running containers in their home lab environments, many options are available, including Docker Desktop, Rancher Desktop, and Minikube, among others. Yet, for enthusiasts looking to venture into building out systems resembling production environments, Docker…

  • DevOpsTerraform Import Existing Resource

    Terraform Import Existing Resource: Ultimate Guide

    One of the commands in the Terraform command set is the terraform import command. It allows the import of existing resources. There are some challenges with the legacy terraform import command. With with the release of Terraform 1.5, Hashicorp has…