Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at, and a 7-time VMware vExpert, with over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.
  • KubernetesKubevirt kubernetes virtual machines

    Kubevirt Running VMs on a Kubernetes Cluster

    It feels like we have come full circle as Kubernetes has matured and has been greatly extended over the past few years to do some really amazing things. One of the amazing things you can do now with Kubernetes is…

  • KubernetesK8studio

    K8Studio New Kubernetes Cluster Management IDE Tool

    I am always looking for new Kubernetes tools to manage Kubernetes clusters differently or with new capabilities. I saw a tool that caught my attention called K8Studio. By its own description, K8Studio is designed to simplify and enhance the experience…

  • home labBest home server virtualization projects in 2024

    Best Home Server Virtualization Projects in 2024

    As we get more into 2024, if you are looking at virtualization projects and labs to get started learning, there are many great learning projects you can spin up on your home lab server. While you may have experimented with…

  • VirtualizationVirtual machine platform vs hyper v

    Virtual Machine Platform vs Hyper-V vs Windows Hypervisor Platform

    Modern Microsoft Windows client operating systems have quite a few powerful virtualization features and capabilities built into the operating system. However, you may have seen in the Windows optional features configuration, there are three different components you can enable as…

  • home labFirewalla gold se thumb3

    Firewalla Gold SE Review for Home Lab

    I was recently sent one of the new Firewalla Gold SE devices to test out in the home lab. However, other than the unit being sent to me for my thoughts, this is not a paid review, and I only…

  • ContainersLxc vs docker

    LXC vs Docker: Pros and Cons Explained

    When we start talking about running containers in the home lab or production, two types of containers usually come up in conversation for running services: LXC containers and Docker containers. This article will examine a comparison between LXC and Docker,…

  • ProxmoxProxmox ha cluster configuration for virtual machines

    Proxmox HA Cluster Configuration for Virtual Machines

    If you are learning the Proxmox hypervisor or want high-availability cluster resources for learning and self-hosting services with some resiliency, building a cluster is not too difficult. Also, you can easily create Proxmox HA virtual machine clustering once you create…

  • home labE cores vs p cores

    E Cores vs P Cores in Home Servers

    If you are thinking about a new mini PC for your home lab server and want to go the Intel CPU route, there are some considerations to be made when selecting a mini PC or any other computer with a…

  • DevOpsTop docker container projects in 2024. for learning

    Top Docker Container Projects in 2024 for Learning

    Looking at 2024, picking up new skills is probably on the minds of everyone in the world in the IT field. Learning new container skills is a great goal. In this article, let’s look at the top Docker container projects…

  • DevOpsUbuntu updates with ansible

    How to Update Ubuntu with Ansible

    One of the best ways to handle updating your Linux boxes is using automation. Using some type of automation for updates is a great way to make sure these get applied in a consistent way and regularly. If you are…