Java Control Panel – Controlling Downloads
It seems no matter how up to date a workstation is, due to the highly vulnerable nature of computers – security updates, patches, updates and other software downloads are constantly checking to see whether or not you have the latest version…
Helpful Imagex commands for .wim images
In preparing a workstation for enterprise deployment, there are a few commands that are necessary in order to successfully prepare and deploy a generalized image as well as configure the windows pe boot image from the WAIK. Below these will…
Scheduled Task in VSphere – using PowerCLI to delete existing machines
Let me preface this post with the fact that I have just got my hands on the new Vsphere 4.1 release from VMware. However, on just a high level look at the scheduled tasks in 4.1, if you want to…
Using Untangle at Home
Using Untangle to Secure Home Networks With the spread of malware and spyware across the Internet and with the ever increasing risks of identity theft while searching and browsing the Internet, many home Internet users are looking for software packages…
64 Bit Computing Becoming Mainstream in the Enterprise
As system administrators, it is becoming more and more evident that the world of 32-bit servers is coming to an end. One only has to install new versions of Exchange Server or Windows to find the unavailability of 32-bit distros.…