How to Install Pinguy OS 12.04 Step by Step
Pinguy OS is a great Linux distribution that is based on the very popular Ubuntu distro that basically contains anything and everything a user would want in the OS for day to day use or even geeking out with Linux.…
How to Add Drivers to .Wim Images
If you have created .wim images for deployment in your enterprise environment either by USB key, DVD, local hard drive, or WDS, you know there are times when you need to add a driver to the image to accomodate a…
How to keep roaming profiles from being cached
We have covering roaming profiles in a few other posts and as most admins already know, roaming profiles can be a literal nightmare to manage or troubleshoot. ย The whole purpose behind roaming profiles is to have a method for your…
How to get a listing of ActiveSync Devices in Live@Edu
In administering your Live@Edu environment, one of the things that you may want or need to do is list all the users that have paired ActiveSync devices to their Live@Edu mailbox environment. ย As many who have administered Live@Edu environments or…
How to keep Windows from installing updates on shutdown
It is probably one of the most annoying things ever. ย When you are in a hurry and trying to get your workstation or laptop shutdown quickly, you get the notification from Windows that it is installing “1 of 32” updates…
How to automatically change the display resolution for a specific program
Have you ever installed a program that requires a specific resolution that is a different resolution than you normally run? ย It can be a pain to have to manually change the resolution via the Windows control panel each and every…
How to quickly find folder sizes taking up disk space
Have you had a disk space issue in the past with your workstation or server and wonder which folders or files are taking up all that disk space? ย Let’s say you have hundreds or even thousands of folders and you…
How to hack a forgotten Windows password step by step
We have all been there before either ourselves or we have had a close friend who knows that we are a IT professional or at least knows that we know our way around a computer nonetheless and calls in a…
How to Fix the publisher could not be verified warning Windows 7
If you have ever run into this error message, it is certainly annoying, especially if you have installed software that you DO trust and KNOW where it came from and receive this warning. ย The error is basically saying the software…