Can’t copy and paste files from Samsung Galaxy S4 to computer
I ran across a pesky issue with my Samsung Galaxy S4 the other day where I wanted to copy a few pictures and a video from my phone’s internal memory over to my computer. ย For the most part in times…
Has cloud computing matured?
I was asked the question just the other day about cloud computing and what my thoughts were on the whole concept. ย It made me realize the questions revolving around cloud computing for businesses are still there. ย Many businesses are still…
Mass set or remove WordPress post password
Recently, in a WordPress project I have been working on, I had the need to mass set or remove the post password as it was set on various posts that were contained in a WordPress site. The way this site…
Using Powergui to mass edit Active Directory Object Attributes
If you have a specific attribute that you want to modify on an active directory object, you can simply open up Active Directory Users and Computers, go to the properties of the object, and go to “Attribute Editor” of the…
MySQL trigger to update wordpress post_password in wp_posts
In working on a special project as of late, I ran into a situation where I needed to have the post password reset on posts upon an insert into a custom mysql table in the same database where wordpress was…
Untangle 10 slow to apply network changes
I wanted to put this question out to you fellow admins out in the field who have experience with using both Untangle 9 and the new Untangle version 10. ย Do you find Untangle 10 slow to apply network changes? ย In…