Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at, and a 7-time VMware vExpert, with over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.
  • Troubleshootingresmonfeat

    Using Resource Monitor to troubleshoot performance problems

    We are all familiar with tools such as TaskManager to troubleshoot performance issues on our Windows PCs and workstations. ย However, there is an often underutilized built-in tool in Windows that provides valuable information that is very useful in troubleshooting performance…

  • Windowstimefeat

    Shoretel Phones Showing Incorrect Time

    Recently, in working with a client after a failed Shoretel system update, we saw issues with the displayed time on most Shoretel handsets in the environment. ย Most of the phones were displaying the incorrect time of February 6, 2011 which…

  • Securityuntanglefeat

    Untangle 9.1 resolves disk space issues

    For those of you running Untangle UTM on the gateway in your network environment, many know of various problems that have occurred with past releases of the Untangle family and problems with disk space becoming an issue due to various…

  • Securityvirusfeat

    A guideline for better cyber security and protection against viruses

    For better protection against different lethal and deadliest malware attacks, just follow the logical sequence of cyber security. Say no to executable programs You never know how much trouble an executable program can create. Your system can get infected through…

  • Windowskacefeat

    How to Handle Patch Management on Multiple Computers

    In order to avoid security vulnerabilities and maintain a high level of productivity, computers and networks require regular patches to stay ahead of potential problems. Sometimes it can be difficult just to stay up-to-date with a single computer, and the…

  • Exchangeaddresspolicyfeat

    Configuring New Address Book Policies Exchange 2010 SP2

    One of the exciting new features that become available with the installation of Service Pack 2 for Exchange 2010 is the Address Book Policies. ย The new policies allow for a much better approach to segmenting address books, address lists, etc.…

  • Computerssp2installfeat

    Installing Exchange 2010 SP2 Step by Step

    With the recent release of Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2, we wanted to see how well the upgrade process for SP2 works on an Exchange 2010 SP1 environment.ย  Take a look at the steps and screenshots below of the SP2…

  • Networkingenterasysfeat

    Basic Initial Enterasys Switch Configuration

    For those of you who may be replacing your old switches with new switches from Enterasys, you may be wondering as to how you go about accomplishing basic switch setup such as setting an IP address, setting the admin password,…

  • Windowswinverfeat

    How to find your Windows 7 version

    In helping many people with problems with their computers at home, one of the first questions that you find yourself having to ask them, is what version of Windows they are running on their computer.ย  Many may be hard pressed…

  • Networkingroutefeat

    How to add a static route in Windows 7

    There are times when you need to add a static route in Windows 7.ย  One example in particular is that you have two network cards that are connecting you to different networks.ย  You may have an internal card that is…