How to use Untangle to help prevent Cryptolocker infections
Cryptolocker is probably one of the most malicious and feared malware infections in quite some time. ย Most malware infections are a nuisance at most and a good sweep by a spyware utility such as malwarebytes will clean up the infection…
Use Powershell to set the hidefromaddresslist attribute on Active Directory user accounts
If you have ever had the need to set the “hidefromaddresslist” or any other attribute on Active Directory accounts, powershell is definitely your friend. ย The Active Directory powershell commandlets from Quest make Powershell even more powerful and useful working with…
Why is Hard Drive space steadily decreasing
If you have had an issue with hard drive space steadily decreasing and many of you have, the issue may not be files at all.ย In fact, in many cases it could be Windows itself!ย This goes for server environments…
Samsung Galaxy S4 wifi tethering not working after MF3 update
For those of you who have updated to the MF3 update and then also re-rooted your phone using the new “root only, no recovery” process that has been discovered, you may have noticed as I did that the wifi tether…
Clonezilla not finding network card driver
Clonezilla is a great open source means to capture and restore system images and it works very well.ย However, like all boot disks, you may run into issues if you boot from Clonezilla on a laptop or desktop that has…
How to find an infected network host sending SPAM messages
A very challenging situation in a network environment where you may have several or even hundreds of network hosts is finding a specific host that is infected with malware.ย Many variants of malware may send SPAM messages from the infected…
How to change the raid controller battery in an MD3000i
In working with a client recently in changing out the RAID controller battery on an MD3000i connected to a small VMware environment, I wanted to post the steps taken to get the batteries changed on both RAID controllers in the…
How to install the latest software updates Ubuntu 13.04
Keeping your software up to date in your Ubuntu 13.04 installation is important for stability and security reasons.ย It is very painless to do in Ubuntu 13.04 either from using the builtin GUI software updater or by using the command…
Can’t pull an ip address when connected to Cisco switch
Recently in working with a client who had provisioned a new edge switch in an office setting which happened to be a Cisco 3550 XL switch (old switch by today’s standards), I wanted to post a short note about setting…